𝓗𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓜𝓮?

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Author's Note ::

This is gonna be short, also lmk if you prefer them longer or shorter, and please give requests in the comments !!
Dating in this one <3

Today, you were having your first sleepover at Matt's house.
After dating him for 4 months, you had both found yourselves comfortable with the idea and were soon walking with a skip in your step when your parents allowed you to.

At 3:00pm, you found yourself recieving a "I'm here ml" text from Matt and you smiled as you opened the door to find the boy's minivan parked up outside your house, awaiting your arrival.

"Heyyy" you grinned excitedly which was met with the same reply, the boy smiling from ear to ear.

Before setting off, he quickly turned to look at you again, "you got everything?" and when you nodded in reply, he began driving to his house, which was about 10 minutes away from yours.

After that, the day was filled with laughter and smiles, which was always the case when around Matt, and play fighting, you could not forget the play fighting, which occurred in almost everything you and Matt did together, that day in particular.
From bumping into each other when walking to flicking ingredients at each other when you were baking to having a full on pillow fight in his room, which had ended on him tackling you to the floor and hovering over you.

"Haha, got you" he laughed, teasing you.
"You think you won?" You asked, sighing.
After being met with a cheeky nod, you stared into the boy's eyes, giving him a sweet kiss as you leaned your head up to him.
That was before you hit him around the head with the pillow you were holding, gaining enough time to escape his touch.
"Get back here" you both laughed as he chased you through the house, playing like little kids.

However, you had both grew tired and retreated into his room, putting a movie on for bed and getting ready to go to sleep.

As you washed your face, you looked at yourself in the mirror and then came to the realisation that Matt's never seen you without makeup on.
Nervously, you walked back into his room, hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Y/n, did you do something?" He looked at your face observantly, "you look so pretty" his cheeks went bright red before he continued, "not that you're not always pretty it's just right now you look extra pretty" looking at your eyes, he didn't care to wait for a reply before sighing and just peppering kisses all over your face.
"My. gorgeous. girl" he said in between the soft kisses.

You giggled at him, "thanks handsome" which resulted in you both kissing for a bit, it feeling so delicate as your lips moved with such gentleness and warmth with his.

Soon, the lights and TV had been turned off but you still couldn't sleep at all.
The empty feel to the bed didn't help either.
"Matt?" You mumbled.
"Yeah?" He replied in a hushed tone.
"Can you um... hold me please?"
Nearly instantly, he rolled over before collecting you in his arms, placing you so you was laid comfortably on his chest, the comfort of sleep not appearing too fair away as he drew little patterns into your back with the pads of his fingers.

Author's Note ::

Probably the shortest one I've ever done but I need to know if you like them!
Leave any requests in the comments please !!
Have a nice day/night I love you all byeee <3

𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚝 𝚂𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚘 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜Where stories live. Discover now