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Soul, Kid, and Liz: 24
Tsubaki: 23
Black*Star, Patti, and Maka: 22

Soul dropped the phone the second them dreaded words rang in his ear.

Maka was in the kitchen and had asked Soul to 'Get off his ass and answer the damn phone' when it started ringing. Soul did so reluctantly. He knew Maka only made him answer since his brother had been pestering him for the past two weeks to come and visit him so he had been leaving answering the phone entirely to her.

Soul grumbled as he sauntered over to the phone, sighing heavily before picking it up.

"Albarn-Eater residence," he drawled in a lazy voice, frowning when an unknown but shaking voice asked if it was Soul Evans speaking.

"Yes," he stated reluctantly, clutching the phone a little tighter at the sound of his former name. "Who is this?"

"T-this is Maya Vankov," the woman choked out, Soul's eyes narrowed as he noticed how hysterical she sounded. She sounded heartbroken.

"Vankov?" he repeated, finally noticing the woman's foreign accent. Bulgarian, like his brother's wife. "Wasn't that Ana's last name before she married Wes?"

Maya's cries grew worse as he spoke Ana's name. A strange sense of dread started to gnaw in his stomach.

"Y-yes," she uttered. "She is-" She took a very sharp intake of breathe. "Was my sister." She sobbed.

"Wait, was?" Soul asked, rapidly growing more anxious and panicked. "What do you mean was? Where is Wes, I want to talk to him."

Maya started to breathe in short little pants. "I-I'm so sorry Soul." She started, the gnawing in Soul's stomach tightened.

"Where is Wes?" he asked in a slightly weaker voice.

"I'm sorry S-Soul," she said again. "There was an accide-" Maya cut herself off as she broke into sobs. Soul heard some shuffling before a new, male voice spoke in his ear. Soul could hear his blood pounding in his ears as a calmer voice spoke up.

"Soul Evans? Wesley Evans brother?" The man asked.

"Y-yes," Soul choked out, hardly finding his voice. "Where is my brother?"

The man took a deep breathe before speaking in a softer voice. "Mr Evans, I am the man who treated your brother after he and his wife were in a car accident."

"Oh my Death," Soul ran a hand over his face, his heart pounding in his chest. "Are they okay? How bad is it?"

The man sighed heavily before finally speaking the words that Soul never knew would affect him the way they did. "I'm sorry Mr Evans. Ana Evans died on impact and Wesley died on the table at 9:49 am this morning," He trailed off before speaking again. "I am very sorry for your loss."

And that is when Soul dropped the phone.


Soul didn't argue when Maka insisted on coming to the funeral. Travelling back to Italy, Soul's home, felt like it took a thousand years. Nothing felt real. He could tell Maka was worried due to his lack of emotion. But he just felt numb. One word answers and the nod and shake of his head was all he would offer her, and he did so with no remorse. He couldn't think of anything but Wes.

The funeral was a blur. If someone asked how it was, he would come up blank. It was sunny, and Soul hated it. He kept his head down and his brow furrowed as he dropped his white rose in between the two graves when people drew away from the graves to talk amongst themselves.

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