The assistance

626 22 17

Third Person

The limp form of Captain Shadow floated in the dark water, his non-scarred eye closed, his captain's hat probably floating away in the waves since it had been swept off in his fall.

Only the dark waters surrounded him.

Surely this was his death.

But fate had another plan.

A dark form swap through the water, a soaked captain's hat, clutched in their other hand.

They spotted the hedgehog Captain, and grabbed his arm.

And then they swam quickly.
They soared through the water and broke to the surface when they reached an empty shore.

They flopped up onto the sandy beach, dragging the unconscious hedgehog with them.

They pulled him up and rolled him onto his back. Their emerald eyes looked at his unmoving chest and a growl formed in their throat.

Then they smacked his chest a couple times and he coughed up water, still out cold, but now breathing.

They let out a satisfied chirp and then sat next to the captain, waiting for him to wake up.



".........wake.......get........up.......hey......WAKE UP!"

I felt a hard slap against my muzzle and I shot up, immediately head butting with someone.

"OW! FUCK!" I snarled, falling back onto my back and holding my head.

I heard screeches and hisses from whoever I had just bumped heads with, and I sat up, meeting with two angry emerald eyes.

It was the siren.... But....he somehow had legs...

They hissed and huffed, sitting next to me, and still glaring at me angrily.

"You're the siren I saved....where...what...."

Then the memories came flooding back.

"THAT BASTARD TOOK MY SHIP!" I growled, standing up.

The siren jumped, but chirped and pulled on my arm, clearly wanting me to sit.

I groaned and sat down.
"Dammit, Scourge has my ship, and my crew...Dammit, Dammit, DAMMIT!" I snarled.
I then sighed and looked at the siren.

They nodded and folded their arms, resting their chin on their knees.

It then was extremely quiet.

"So uh, I don't really speak siren, but thanks for rescuing me." I said.

"You're welcome. It was no problem, although you are really heavy on land."

My heart jumped.

"YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?!?" I yelped.

"Of course I do." They said, looking at me with annoyance.

"You've spoken English this whole time?!? I felt stupid talking to you cause I thought you didn't speak English!" I growled.

"Well sorry! I don't exactly take kindly to most pirate scum, so forgive me if I'm distrusting enough to not chit chat with you!" They snarled, standing up.

"Fine, fine, I'm sorry if I scared you the first time we met-wait are you wearing my jacket?"

They were indeed wearing my captain's jacket that was kinda soaked and had sand sticking to it. It definitely didn't look good on them either because it was much larger and frumpy on their shoulders seeing as they were thinner and less of a more larger frame. It also clashed with the elegant blue fur of the siren.

"Yes, I took it off you because apparently to you mobians, it's animalistic to not wear clothes and I didn't want to look like some prostitute on the beach with you!" They barked pulling it tighter around their body.

I sighed and stood up as well.
They were a lot shorter than me, maybe two or three inches or so smaller.

"How do you even have legs? Last time I saw you, you had a fish tail on your lower half."

"Well, if you foolish mobians actually cared enough to study us and not kill us, you'd notice that when we're on land long enough, our tails dry up and we form legs. It's how many females find mates when they can't find any suitable male sirens in the ocean." They said.

I nodded then looked around. There was a town in the far distance but it wasn't where we had originally docked the night before.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know, us sirens call this land-"

They then let out an earsplitting screech, and I covered my ears.

"But you Mobians have all sorts of fancy names for your lands. I never cared to memorize them. There's too many." He groaned once he was done screeching.

"Good to know... and it seems you don't like Mobians." I grumbled.

"Most sirens dislike mobians. You kill our kind and hunt us like animals, that or you cage us and use our voices for entertainment." They huffed. "Especially pirates."

They narrowed their eyes at me but then turned their back, and started walking towards town.

"However, I need you alive and you saved my life so we both obviously owe eachother. And I need your help with something, so let's make a deal once I get some clothes." They called back to me as they walked away.

I then ran up and grabbed their arm.

"Hold up, we have only known eachother for a couple of hours but before we go anywhere..."

My ruby eye locked in with his emerald green ones.
"We should probably introduce each other. My name is Shadow Black Doom, I'm the captain of the cursed Pearl and known as Captain Shadow the Grim Spear."

They looked at me with annoyance and slipped their arm out of my grip. But their features slightly softened when they looked into my eyes again. They then grabbed something off the sand and held it up to me.
It was my hat.
I hadn't noticed it wasn't on my head.

"Hmph, I suppose you can't always recognize when you're in the face of siren royalty. My name is Sonic Maurice Oligive Emerald. I am the Prince of the fallen Emerald Siren kingdom clan, and I require your assistance, Captain Shadow."

A siren Prince...

Oh good chaos this was going to be interesting.

🗡❤️A Siren's Lullaby 💙🔱 (Sonic x Shadow) (au)Where stories live. Discover now