The Royal Fleet

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Tw! Blood, fighting

The Royal Fleet. The king and queen of Möbius's fleet.

Now we may live and go by our own rules as pirates but that didn't mean that there was a King and Queen setting rules for everyone who did follow them. And they didn't exactly fancy pirates, so whenever they could, they would try and take ships.
They probably saw our fight and decided taking in two ships that were weakened by fighting would be easy.

I stabbed another pirate and ran to the side of my ship, Sonic close on my tail.

"I'm assuming they don't like us?" Asked Sonic.

"Definitely, nor do they like Sirens, even if they're royalty. Although...I think the king believes you aren't real like how I used to." I grumbled, staring at the white ship coming towards us.

"So we're fighting the fleet and these two? What next, Mephiles himself?" Growled Sonic.

"We better hope not."

I fired a few more times and blocked some more sword slashes. At least the Gunmetal's crew members were in fewer numbers now since some ran to the ship in fear of the fleet ship and we had killed a good amount.

But why were Scourge and Jet persisting in attacking?

"Shadow, duck!"
Sonic pulled me down as we dodged a cannon ball.

"We gotta get outta here! Silver! Get your damn tail up to the top deck and get ready to steer. Gadget! Head below deck and get ready for my signal to start the boosters!" I growled.

"Aye Skip!"
"Aye Captain!"

They ran to where I ordered them as the fleet ship got close.

"Sonic, stick close to me, this is gonna get a lot messier." I growled.

Fleet Crewmen jumped onto the ship, holding bayonets and wearing those dumb uniforms.

"Surrender or we will take your ships by force!" Ordered the man who looked like the commodore.

"You can take my ship over my dead body!" I growled.

They started firing and all my crew ducked into the crates near me and Sonic.
I pulled Sonic down with me as we took cover.

Third Person

More fighting ensued. It was The Pearl's Crew, versus The Gunmetal's crew versus the Fleet Crew.

Swords slashed and bullets flew, and somehow everyone in Captain Shadow's crew was mostly unscathed.

Silver stood at the wheel, fending off all the pirates. He turned the wheel and they slowly started to move.

He yelped at the slash of a pirate cutlass, falling backwards and tripping over his feet.
But then he was caught in someone's arms.
And he was met with golden eyes like his.

A purple chameleon with a fleet soldier's uniform looked down at him, slightly turning red. He stabbed the pirate in the chest that had originally attacked Silver, but didn't take his eyes away from the grey hedgehog. Both clearly embarrassed.

"Hello..." Silver mumbled, also turning red.


The chameleon jumped and dropped Silver.
He ran off and the grey hedgehog scrambled to his feet, trying to process his sudden embarrassment.

Some of the fleet crew had spilled over into the Gunmetal but they were in a large group on the Pearl, standing in a line, shooting any pirates.

At this point, the Pearl wouldn't be able to escape.

Sonic stared at the line hard but then sat up with an idea. All of Shadow crew was in one group except for Silver and Gadget!

"Shadow! Order your crew to cover their ears!" Said Sonic.

"What?!? Are you crazy?!?"


He placed his hand on Shadow's arm and stared hard into his eyes.

"Trust me." He whispered.

Shadow stared at him for a moment but then sighed.

"Crew! Cover your ears! Nice and tight! Until I say not to! OI SILVER! COVER YOUR EARS!" Ordered Shadow.

Everyone did so.

"Gadget, Big, and Omega won't be able to hear it as well from up here." Sonic said.

He then breathed in. And sang.

It was a new song, in Mobian, and he walked out to the deck as the soldiers of the fleet started to go into a daze.

Of course. Shadow had said that the king didn't believe in Sirens so why would he use protection against them?

"Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring!"

Shadow stood up in awe, watching Sonic, as his voice echoed like a choir as he sang.

Drop your weapons and go back to your ships.

Somehow Shadow could hear or just knew what Sonic was saying through that voice.
The soldiers slowly stumbled back onto the ship and some of the pirates did as well.

"I promise you, they'll sing of every time you passed your fingers through my hair-"

Sonic's song abruptly stopped with a yelp from him.
A sword was suddenly near his throat as well as a hand over his mouth.

"No more of that." Chuckled Jet, who was the one restraining Sonic.

Scourge quickly moved over and reached into Sonic's vest. He pulled out the journal and smugly smiled at the siren.

"Thanks princey."

Shadow jumped back to his senses and started to run towards them.
Then Jet turned and pressed the blade to Sonic's throat.

"Uh uh uh, come any closer and I'll have to slit pretty boy's throat. We wouldn't want that now, would we Captain Shadow?" Jet snickered.

Shadow froze. The two Captains both smirked, knowing they got what they came for, Scourge whistled and the dazed stragglers left on the Pearl ran up the ramps back onto the Gunmetal.
Once all their crew was off Scourge started to run towards the ramps and Jet removed the sword and shoved Sonic towards Shadow.

The two crashed into each other and toppled over.

"The Journal!" Shouted Rouge, pointing to Scourge as they got onto the Gunmetal and raised the ramps.

"Forget it! We have to get out of here!" Shouted Shadow. "GADGET, START THE ENGINE WE'VE GOT TO GO!" He barked down into the deck below.

The ship sped up and Silver steered them away from the ships.
Cream quickly pulled out her map and ran up to top deck with Shadow following close behind.

"Cream! Where's the closet land? We gotta dock the ship from damages." Said Shadow.


She handed him the map and he read the name.

"Jasper Island."

"What's so special about that? Is something bad there?" Asked Sonic.

"' homeland. That's the island where I grew up."

🗡❤️A Siren's Lullaby 💙🔱 (Sonic x Shadow) (au)Where stories live. Discover now