The Escape to Jasper Island

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I watched out the window as the ship docked and Sarah bandaged a cut in my arm.

I flinched at the pain but let her continue.

I hadn't been here in years and now I was afraid of what my parents would say once they saw me.
My mother was headstrong and serious. She was the sweetest woman ever but literally took no shit. My father was bold and proud, but still had his reserved respect for others.

We had gotten away from the ships and tossed the bodies off the side, now our injuries were all being treated. Rouge was Captaining for the moment and Sonic was sitting in the corner of the infirmary, sulking.

He probably felt ashamed that he hadn't saved the journal. I didn't want him to feel like it was his fault. He did his best and he protected my crew and their lives are worth more than any damn book.
I would have been sitting by him, consoling him was I not being bandaged by Sarah at the moment.

She finished and snipped off the rest of the gauze tape.
"Alright, that should do it, don't put any pressure on it now Captain." She said softly.

"Thank you Sarah." I said.

The cheetah smiled and nodded. She left and a minute after, Rouge, Cream, Silver, and Gadget walked in.

"So we have cannonball damage done to the lower right side of the ship and there's a good many bullet holes in the normal deck and railing. The back window to your cabin is shattered as well. But she'll hold up, she just needs patches. And a lot of our supplies were tossed in the fight. And we used a lot of gunpowder." Sighed Rouge.

Sonic slowly stood up and walked over sitting down. Silver then glanced at him.
"Not only that but we lost the journal..." Groaned Silver.

"Oi! It's not Sonic's fault! We did our best and that's what matters. We know where his cove is, we'll just be at a disadvantage going in, unless any of you can remember what the map looked like." I growled.

"Unfortunately no, and it was a little too detailed for me to remember." Said Cream.

"I just wish we hadn't lost that journal..." Sighed Rouge.

"There was a map in the journal?" Asked Sonic.

Wait, I thought he knew that.

"Uhm, yes...Sonic we even went over the map, and you looked at it!" I stated, becoming extremely confused.

"Oh you mean, like, these pages from that very same journal?"

He pulled a small pile of papers out of his quills, looking like they had been torn out of a book.

Oh my chaos.

"Oh of course, I forgot to mention that I may have ripped out a good amount of important pages before Jet broke into the Captain's cabin." He said with a smirk on his face. "I expect my thank you now."

All of us stared at him, open jawed for a moment. When the sudden giddy, proud feeling rushed into my chest I felt myself smiling.

"Sonic, you damned rascal! Come here!" I laughed, scooping him up and hugging him tightly.

He hissed and made some screeching noises as I hugged him.
"This is not how I asked to be thanked!"

"Deal with it." I chuckled.

"Sonic! You're a bloody good trickster, you know that?" Laughed Rouge, joining our hug.

"I like to think of myself as a good actor, now please set me down!"

We let go of him and Cream hugged his arm much more gently.

"Thanks Sonic! I'm glad you're helping us save my momma."

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