The Caverns of burning lies

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I stood on the balcony, watching the sun rise.

It was a warm morning and most of the crew was asleep in their beds.

I let the wind blow through my quills as the sun slowly lit up the sky in shades of orange and pink.

"Awfully early for you to be up, ain't it Shadow?"

I turned around and saw the childish smirk of the blonde hedgehog.

Maria was wearing her tunic and pants and had her hair pulled back with a bandanna. She had two mugs in her hands.

"Could say the same thing for you, Sister." I chuckled as she walked over to me.

She chuckled and passed me a mug. It was hot tea, smelling strongly of mint and ginger.

"Lovely morning isn't it?" She hummed.

"Perhaps." I said, taking a sip of tea.

She watched the sky and then looked over at me.

"Shadow, have you ever thought about falling in love?" She asked.

"No, not really, why?" I hummed.

"I don't know, I've just been thinking about it as of late." She said. "I've always dreamt about finding someone like that, someone to share the rest of my life with, someone to care for deeper than just blood. Someone to love and see them every day and smile."

"I think you're sweetening it up too much. Relationships also require time and cooperation and dedication and patience. Often a lot have arguments and drift away. Besides, I'd have to find someone willing to stay on the seas. Most pirates often swoon for ladies and gentlemen of the land, and then leave their ships for the life of a boring one. I'd much rather stay and be a legend then become nothing but a tale that ends in plainness." I said.

"Yeah, but I feel like you're looking upon the negatives! Take Mami and Pops. She was a maiden of the land but she left her home to be with Pop. She became a pirate for him...that's dedication Shadow. And now they live happily. Maybe Pops started out on planning to be a captain forever but Mami changed him. Lovers change you Shadow, for good and for bad. It always just matters if you're willing to take the journey or not."

It was quiet once more as I took in Maria's words.

"You have a way with words, you know that dear sister?" I chuckled, glancing over at her.

She snorted. "If I wasn't a captain I might as well have ended up as one of those stuffy old poets."

We both laughed and she patted my shoulder.

"If you ever fall in love, Shadow, take that chance. It's always better to take the risk then never at all..."

"Someday, somewhere, there is someone for you, Brother."

I smiled as the sun lit up the sky in blue.

"Thank you Maria."


I jolted awake and sat up. There stood Amy, her hands on her hips.

"Good, you're up." She said.

"Ugh...Yeap, I'm up." I groaned.

"We've stopped at the Cavernal Island." She said.

"What? Why?" I asked, getting up out of bed.

"I believe there's two mobians here I need to grab, come up to the deck and I explain everything." Said Amy, leaving my room.

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