The Captain of Darkness

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[cracks knuckles] Alright ya'll better have watched at least the first movie of Pirates of the Caribbean because there is gonna be references >:]
(Also really long chapter)

Tw! Blood, gore, cannibalism
(Like really big gore guys...I almost threw up writing it)


I continued to wail and sob, intent on crying my eyes dry.

I didn't even notice someone had swam up next to me.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, his voice almost as soft like a whisper.

I didn't bother to look up at them, I hurt to much. I just needed to dump and tell all problems to someone.

"I fell in love with this stupid pirate. I hate him so much but I can't seem let go of him..." I said between sobs. "He broke my trust and now...I don't know what to do."

"What did he do?"

"He killed another siren...he did it to protect his sister but I had everything under control! Why do I feel so guilty though?!?" I whimpered.

"Who is he?"

"Captain Shadow...I left, and now he's on his way to destroy Mephiles's cove. Why was I so stubborn?" I groaned, rubbing my face.

"Captain's lovely to meet you, Little Prince."
Their voice got darker and I felt something grab onto my arm.

I looked up but it was all too fast.
I was grabbed by tentacles and yanked up from the corals where I sat with a yelp.
Suddenly I was scooped up in a net and being pulled up to the surface.

"What the?!" I yelped, my ears folding back.

Then I met a pair of snake green eyes as I was pulled up out of the water. He was holding onto the outside of the net.

"Captain Mephiles, pleasure we can finally meet face to face, Little Prince." He laughed.

"Y-you're a siren?!?" I gasped, as the net lifted from the water and up to the top of the large ship.

"Octopus siren, to be exact." He said as he slightly shook himself to dry off.
Water dripped and slid off his bottom half which were tentacles instead of a fish tail.

The Captain had snake green eyes and shorter black quills with pale cyan highlights. He had on a black captain's hat and jacket with silver accents and a white tunic.

I puffed up and my eyes slitted.
"I demand you release me, this instant!" I barked, gripping onto the ropes of the net.

"Unfortunately, you're in no position to make demands, Prince Sonic." Chuckled Mephiles.

I turned and saw as I reached the top, the large crew of ragged and filthy looking men cheering. Mephiles lifted his sword and they cheered louder.

Then he sliced the sword through the net rope and I screeched as we fell to the deck. I fell with a hard thud, the net laying over me like a heavy unwanted blanket, and he landed on the deck with ease. He had changed back into his land form, and strolled over to his other subordinate captains who stood there with smirks on their faces.

"Hello again pretty boy." Chuckled Jet.

"We meet again, siren prince." Said Scourge.

Surge just smiled maliciously.
Wave, who had bandages on her face and a healing black eye, just scoffed.
Infinite stared at me with a cold emotionless gaze.

"I assume you've met my subordinates, but have you met my new allies?" Mephiles chuckled as three others approached.

The siren hunters.

🗡❤️A Siren's Lullaby 💙🔱 (Sonic x Shadow) (au)Where stories live. Discover now