The Seas and Sails

440 17 6

Third Person

Shadow stood at the rail of the deck next to Sonic as the wind blew through their quills.

Sonic was relishing the feel of the salty ocean spray against his face, breathing in the fresh air.

"Ah, this is the best, I could just start singing right here!" Sonic laughed, as the wind blew his quills and his wooden earrings.

"Woah there, your highness, we don't want to send my entire crew into a spell now, do we?" Shadow chuckled.

Sonic snorted.

"You wouldn't know how freeing it feels to sing now, would you Captain?" Asked Sonic.

"I'm actually a pretty decent singer, thank you very much." Shadow chuckled. "My crew likes to sing shanties while at work and I like to join in."

"Well, I suppose shanties are alright, but I love some good old singing. Although...most siren music with mobian lyrics has some pretty dark lyrics." Sonic said.

"Interesting. Hm, maybe I might just let you sing something, normally. I don't want you hypnotizing my crew." Shadow said.

"Really?" Said Sonic, arching an eyebrow.

"Sure, go ahead." Shadow said.

Shadow had never heard Sonic actually sing before. Most often is was rumor that female sirens had more beautiful voices, and it was rare to hear a male's.

Sonic smiled softly and then looked out onto the ocean.

"'Beware, beware the Daughter of the Sea.'
"Beware, " I heard him cry"

Shadow's heart skipped a beat at his voice. He knew even if Sonic was using his hypnotic voice it wouldn't work on him from his scale on his neck, but it still was just as beautifully hypnotizing.

"His words carried upon the ocean breeze
As he sank beneath the tide"

The song sounded sad and dark, but Sonic sang it perfectly.

"Those blood-soaked shores of Kalimdor
Where sailors fought and died
The Admiral fell at Theramore
Because she left his side"

Shadow felt like he had heard this sad song before, like a lost memory far away. Sonic's voice echoed across the sea, sounding like a ghost through the mists of the ocean.

"Why this? Why this, oh Daughter of the Sea?
Why this? Did you forget your seaside days?
Always the pride of our nation's eyes
How could she go astray?"

Sonic wasn't wrong about the song being dark, it was absolutely beautiful though.

"When she did flee across the ocean deep
The Admiral followed west
What else but sail to save a daughter's life
And pray she still drew breath?"

"But there he found upon those distant shores
Enemies 'pon the rise!"

"But when he faced those savage foes
His daughter stood aside"

Sonic seemed to become more sorrowful of the song, like he was a telling a story he knew too well.

"And buried deep beneath the waves
Betrayed by family
To his nation, with his last breath, cried
'Beware the Daughter of the Sea.'"

Shadow could have sworn he saw a single tear drop as he sang. Then he breathed and finished out the song.

"I heard, I heard, across a moonlit sea
The old voice warning me"

"'Beware, beware the Daughter of the Sea'
'Beware, beware...'
...of me"

Shadow stared at him in awe. Sonic had sang more beautifully and more perfect than any other man or woman he had ever heard sung before.

"That felt becomes tedious to us sirens when we can't sing."

"What was that song...I feel like I've heard it before..."

"Daughter of the Sea? It's a siren song, I'd be surprised if you've heard it before." Said Sonic.

"You seemed really emotional about it."

Sonic sighed and looked out onto the sea.

"It has some meaning to me, but never mind, we're on course for the Black Sea, right?"

Shadow nodded and looked out on the ocean.

"We should get there easily if we don't run into any interruptions along the way." Said Shadow.

"Once we reach the outskirts of the Black Sea, all your crew needs to put in wax or just use something to cover their ears. Sirens won't stop at anything to hypnotize them, so even if I try and talk to them, I don't know if they'll listen." Sonic stated, as they walked up to the top deck.

"Understood, but hopefully, if any actually attack the ship, you'll be able to sort out something with them?" Shadow asked.

"Yes, we sirens are good at making deals with each other." Sonic spoke, as they stood behind Silver and Cream.

"I won't hesitate to protect my crew if they attack us, though, Sonic." Said Shadow.

"Captain. What was one part of our deal? You are not to harm me or any other siren. Trust me, I can sort something out if we are attacked. I trust you to keep our deal." Said Sonic.

Shadow sighed then nodded.
"Fine, I trust you."

Sonic nodded with a satisfied smile and then they stood there, watching the ocean and sails.

The white sails of the Cursed Pearl, billowed out in the ocean wind. The flag blew as Honey was perched in the crows nest, looking out on the sea.

Sonic's green eyes scanned the ship and back up to the sails.

" long have you had this ship?"

"Since I was 18. Before that it was my father's, and I would help sail it."

Sonic scoffed and looked around.

"And you haven't thought about getting a new one? Surely this ship is getting old..." Sonic said, dragging a finger along the railing.

"It is getting old, but she's tough and has held up for years. But either ways, I'm not getting rid of her anytime soon." Said Shadow.

"Why?" Sonic asked, arching an eyebrow.

"This ship is more than just a ship, your highness. It's something much more than that, it's home. Home to me and my crew. We've been raised and live here, it carries memories that couldn't be replaced for gold."

The Captain looked out on the ship proudly, with a smile.
Sonic's eyes slightly widened and he stood up straight.

"I suppose that's quite the sentimental reason..."

He shrugged and folded his arms.

"I guess I can see where you're coming from Captain."

He looked up at Shadow and slightly smiled, and the Captain smiled back.

But their moment was interrupted by shouting coming from Honey.

"CAP'N! CAP'N! ENEMY SHIP ON THE RISE!" She screeched.

"WHAT!" Yelped Gadget who was on the starboard deck, running to the side.

Shadow ran down to starboard deck his and took the telescope Rouge was handing him.

"Fuck it's another one of Mephiles's ships." Growled Shadow.

"Who's the Captain?" Asked Sonic.

"Captains to be exact. It's the Gunmetal Speeder, no wonder it's going so damn fast. It's lead by both Captain Scourge and another one of his damn annoying Captains, Captain Jet." Shadow said, tossing the telescope back to Rouge.

🗡❤️A Siren's Lullaby 💙🔱 (Sonic x Shadow) (au)Where stories live. Discover now