The Attack of the Gunmetal

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I ran down below deck where Midnight, Omega, and even Big were pushing the cannons into place.

"Omega and Big, man the cannons, Midnight, get the guns and hand them out to the crew. If Gunmetal Speeder keeps going at this speed we're gonna have to have a full frontal attack." I ordered.

"Aye Skip!" Said Midnight, jumping to her feet and running to the gun storage.

"Understood Captain." Said Omega.

I nodded then ran back upstairs and everyone was preparing for a fight.

I tossed a belt with a sword sheath to Sonic.
"Take this, and use the sword from earlier, you're gonna need to defend yourself, Siren."

Sonic huffed and belted it on, and started towards the Captain's cabin where he had left his sword from when we took back my ship.

I already had my sword, and I loaded my pistols.

Then there was a loud "BOOM" and a cannon ball splashed into the water, narrowly missing our ship.

Crew members started shouting and now everything seemed to go by quickly as I shouted orders and Midnight passed long guns and pistols to my crew.

Then there was another boom from the distant ship and the Pearl shook.
Fuck, they had hit us.

"OMEGA, BIG, START FIRING!" I ordered down to the two below deck.

Cannonballs then started to shoot from our ship towards Gunmetal.
We got a few hits but they didn't show any sign of backing off or surrendering.
They only got closer so I knew we'd have to bring this fight to them.

I could see the crew better and two figures stood at the bow as they got close.

I knew it was none other than Scourge and Jet.
I growled and then barked a few more orders.

"They're most likely getting ready to board the ship! Get ready to fight!"

Then they got close and ropes and men started to fly.


I had walked into Shadow's cabin to get my sword, and looked around.

"Now where did I put it..." I mumbled.

Then I heard a faint boom from outside.

"Shit! They're firing!" I yelped.

I scrambled to find my sword when there was another boom and the ship shook and rocked.
I slipped and slid to the wall, with a thump.

"Ow!" I yelped.

But then things started to roll and slide off the Captain's desk. Including Quint's Journal.

I gasped and scrambled to my feet.

"The Journal!"

I grabbed it before it hit the ground. I breathed a sigh of relief and put it into my vest.

Then I quickly turned and spotted my sword sliding across the floor.
I grabbed it by the handle and shoved it into it's sheath.

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