the one we trust betrayed us

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A/N salutations my good sirs sorry don't know why I said anyway I got a comment on my last part let me know to add paragraphs I will try to add paragraphs from here on out however it may be pretty difficult to keep the story going the way it is the way I like to keep it going is a 12 year old is writing this who's never went to school before so he doesn't really know what a paragraph is that is the whole point as he gets older and eventually goes to school he will get better at writing and then I will be able to add the good stuff in here anyway I will try to make this short and sweet and also very brutal all at the same time all with space and out some words so I figured out some way to do that when I have exactly a hundred words I will space out and go to another hundred and that's how I will do my paragraphs from here on out I hope you all enjoy and well that's the end of this little announcement see you.

I woke up to a surprise early in the morning it was Ethereala in my bed I don't know how she got there or even what she was doing there for that matter however she was there so I shook her awake and told her come on we got to go she looked at me with a shocked expression on her face and said what do you mean? we got dungeon runs to do I told her she looked at me with a weird expression and said okay after that we went to the guild.

After walking into the guild we then spoke with the Guild representative now this was not a female though we were in a different town entirely this was a dude his name was Alex Hey there Alex I said to him Reko nice to see you and it's nice to see you too Renee oh it's nice to see you too she says stuttering trying to figure out who he was talking to forgetting her name was changed to that when we got to this town it's understandable even I forgot my name was Reko at this point after that we left for the dungeon.

When we got to the dungeon we eventually worked on trying to figure out where to go the rooms ahead were locked so we stayed in one room I had of course Cynthia protect me and her why gladam fought the monsters off along with me ethereala then looked at me wait a minute those names sound female she said yeah that's because they are girls I call him the two Knight sisters The Dark Knight and the Holy Knight Cynthia and gladam so wait can they take their armor off? she asked me with a confused face I suppose so.

Then she spoke once more and also are you able to do something if you mean do anything with them no hits forbidden I am not allowed to do things with my summons for one reason I didn't show her I tried to touch my summons hand and next thing you know my hand went right through for me they're like ghosts I can't touch him whatsoever however I can pat their backs saying good job for instance like this I think sure I Pat Cynthia's back you see I can but it doesn't really work that well I explained to her.

After that we left the dungeon and went on to do our own thing for a while for one there was a few things we still needed to do months and months past and I finally needed a new weapon so it was time to fight something more powerful than a fear Knight General don't you have a scythe? she asked me yes I do have a scythe however I rather not use it on minimal enemies save that for the bigger guys the boss's for instance all right so what monster we going after to get you a new weapon I thought about it and then I got it the night terror.

The night terror if you didn't not know is a beast of the night a giant monstrous creature with fangs seven heads and 14 arms yeah it's kind of crazy of a monster but it's easy to defeat get into its blind spot right behind it proceed to immediately shove your weapon into its skull and there you go when we got there we immediately started to fight it it wasn't that hard with Gladam here I was not going to have a single bit of effort however also with my  ethereala we took it down.

After that I gained a new Black Blade nickname of the blade scourge of night I thought it'd be the best it also had a pretty cool effect void essence it is an effect that most swords can get but this one is a legendary weapon because it comes from a boss no I'm not kidding the night terror is a boss although he is in no dungeon he's on the outside of the world in a desert it was easy enough to find him and we defeated him my new weapons scourge of night will do us well after that we went back to the inn and fell asleep.

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