a girls night part 1

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A/N this is a two-parter I will do part one now and part two probably tomorrow with life and everything it just depends so yeah let's get started guys hope you all enjoy.

POV Relko I woke up early that morning and sat down here she comes I thought it was the other way around I tell her fine you win she says she said she's going to go out later and do her own thing for a while understandable I'll probably be in a dungeon I guess we'll see how that goes.

4 hours later.
Uhh why is he so controlling.
Flashback to earlier I'm going to go out and have a drink with the girls don't drink too much okay ethereala, present
He acts like I'm a child like I don't know how to serve on drinking never mind I can have as much booze as I want I wish Relko would realize that.
Well it's done and over with I guess it doesn't matter too much hey ethereala oh hey Adelie what you up to just having a drink I see can I join you sure why not.

So how's things been going with you and Relko they're good however I have zero leeway when it comes to him oh how so well it's weird but but never mind how you been doing oh I'm fine just having to deal with Relko's drinking problem that's all oh he has a drinking problem I didn't know ah okay I thought you knew no I didn't.
So what you up to girls it was Julie an assassin looming new back when she was an assassin a good friend too what's up I say to them.

Not much just bored out of our minds so I got a question yeah what is it I asked them I heard you and Relko had fun what were you outside our house or something yeah I was walking by having a drink and I heard you oh that's embarrassing so who won that battle uhhhh. Relko was he good I would say so. I tell them to be honest it sounded like he was being done dirty. no he did me I explained so ladies what are we going to be doing today I was thinking of doing a girls night what are you guys say sounds fun yes that sounds fun.

Okay what do we do then we have many things we could do drink all night talk about boys I got it how about a dungeon run I mean we're all adventurers are we not true we are I think that's a great idea I'm in the dungeon maybe we'll talk about boys kind of dumb sometimes are they not yeah they are I explained not all of them though Relko's pretty smart,
Yeah true so what's he like huh what do you mean Julie what is he like? You know what I mean ethereal uhmm well he's strong.

No that's not what I mean I mean what does he like in the bedroom perverted no I'm not telling you that that's private oh come on we're all girls here Julie I'm not telling you oh too bad he at least tell us if he's good amazing that's all I'm saying oh so he's that good huh? I see well where can I get me a man like that what do you mean I want to feel the way you do I mean your legs are still shaking I can see he did you dirty hehehe oh stop.

I would say so all right so who's the leader of this party we're going to form I think ethereal should be yeah you're right she should be leader just thinking Julie ha ha thanks all right then well let's get going sounds good we then head to a dungeon we don't quite know which one yet but we're going to have fun and slay some monsters ever walking there they asked me a question I've heard you have the power to destroy a continent with your special skill fall is that true?

I tell them yes because it is true I can destroy a continent with my special skill I can also destroy a whole entire room with that skill I just have to be careful not to use too much power otherwise it will summon giant meteorites to crash upon the world I don't know how I got the skill but I've had it ever since I was a child not even Relko fully knows the realms of my power it's pretty crazy but on top of that it's also neat that I'm able to destroy the world if I wanted to so one of them asked me it was Julie I hear.

I want to ask you something ethereal okay what is it?
Well I heard Relko has a strong summon able to destroy the world if you wanted it to is this true? and is this why the kings of the world fear Him? Well yes it actually is true I tell them of Truth is Agora is able to destroy the world if Relko decided to! I stated the fact that only I could it would be interesting to see how far he would go what are you destroy the world or bring forth a new age.

I'm not worried for I will be right by his side the whole time even if the world we know goes to ruins I'll be right there next to him fry and his partner both in lifelong commitment and many other things then they ask me something that makes me blush so are you ever thinking of having children with him I choke on my water as I'm trying to swallow when they ask that I choke well it depends I mean on Relko of course and it also depends on the fact of is he human or is he something else.

I still don't quite know what Relko is to be honest I see well we're at the boss room we better get started yeah let's do it we open the door and in there is a monster it looks like a giant troll but not normal it has four heads if it's disgusting too it's also drooling then Julie makes a joke and says I think it's drooling over you I must think you look good looking I look at her and hit her in the head shut up I mean it is true though.

The monster then slams its Club on the ground and we run at it with weapons drawn we're ready to slash until no what happened.

ARC-RED I know that was short but I'm splitting this into two parts so yeah hope you all enjoy it so see you in the next part should be doing soon bye

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