living day to day life bored as a fish though

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A man walked into the guild heard a lot of chatting about people saying the name Relko he's never heard of that name so he wonders who the hell is this man so walked over to everyone and asked who's this Relko they said man have you been living under a rock he said no I haven't I've been out for a long time in another country adventuring he's the new S-rank Adventurer he recently just got up there the man was surprised to hear he was an s-rank already he then walked over to the desk we're at alive was sleeping all you could hear was snoring.

Zzzzzzz excuse me the man asked excuse me he said it again he said a little louder this time excuse me ma'am the woman then woke up huh what's going on she asked oh who are you she asked oh excuse me I'm the yes rank Adventure who went away for a while my name is ryco nice to meet you Miss adelai he said to the girl what do you want to know anything I can help you with she asked yeah I want to know about this guy named Relko the minute the girl heard the name Relko she began to blush.

Uhhh Why do you want to know about him she said fostered excuse me you have a thing with him or something no he's married why would I all right who's this man he asked can I see his file at least absolutely let me grab it for you the girl behind the desk said thank you Miss adalai I was thinking I was going to have to argue with you no arguments here you can see his file it's not classified well there are a few things classified though.

As in for who he's married to where he lives and what he does in his day-to-day life I see the man said wait a minute he did all this at a young age too what are you looking at 12 years old wait before that 9 years old classified but he was in the hero's party for 3 years turn 12 join the guild defeated a fear knight King age 14 killed a disaster class TurtleTorres.

Age 16 defeated the Calamity class monster gasdo the Dragon who the hell is this guy age 17 to 18 okay and now here's a summons all right easy enough he has a Dark Wolf named Dyer a dark bear Name Bar.

A skeletal serpenter named slither these are creative I have to say okay then he's got a dark knight named gladam is this a female yes the lady behind the desk said let me see here he's also got another knight called Cynthia definitely female saint of healing crazy what's this one wait he has three dragons Ragis I'm guessing that's mail draga I'm guessing female the lady behind the desk was like don't know haven't seen those ones yet okay and the rest of these what the a fenrier named itGyius.

What's this one arachnia the blood mother the man was shocked to hear the name The Brood mother he saw one name that shocked him the most Agora King of the Abyss he wields that monster Adelai looked down and saw what he was looking at Agora yeah that one's crazy I see the man said he also owns a demon named idrois gasdo I'm guessing that's the great one am I guessing correctly here the man asked.

slideges the giant devouring sludge crazy a scorpion named Scorpius now that's creative he said with very much sarcasm in his voice right now his personal life classified who is married to classified what he does in his spare time classified who he lives with classified and last but not least where he lives classified however you have the school written down here wait how old is this guy 18 he's 18 and he's in S rank Adventurer the man asked.

Yep that's right the lady behind the desk said and that's kind of crazy to be honest you think you would mind if I crash his little party at school and maybe say hi I don't think that'd be such a good idea he gets real pissed when people mess up his daily schedule in fact he's been taking a leeway from school lately apparently though there is going to be a big test soon he might actually let you speak to him then since he really doesn't care about tests don't think he wants to learn about is more about the world anything else and he could care less about I see well I'll have to check that out the man said.

I guess I'll be seeing you now goodbye the man walked out of the building said well Relko will be seeing each other very soon hahaha and I'll see if you are really an S rank Adventurer after all.

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