a man vs a dragon

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Relko in this world certain things are certain for the fact of being Immortal has a few complications for one dying is almost impossible you just come right back to life again getting drunk is almost also impossible as I sit here upon this 300 ft tall cliff I wonder if I fell what I die or would I survive I finish off my booze that is in this bottle stand up cost the bottle to the ground and step off falling through the air I see the clouds as I crash into the ground spreading debris and rocks everywhere I sit back up and look at myself and see not a scratch.

Well that's interesting I think to myself wondering how come I didn't die am I truly this powerful well I guess it doesn't matter I better head back to the guild on my way back I decided to go through a dungeon and do a few runs through to have some fun I mean it wouldn't be so bad and besides it's my day off I might as well be able to do what I feel like so I run into the dungeon and I stay for 2 days.

The scene changes a boy running into the a woman looks at him and speaks he says my Village is being attacked by a dragon a lightning dragon please help the woman known as Adelie then speaks I'm sorry but we have no Adventures that are the powerful enough to take down a Lightning Dragon no just can't be possible the boy says a bunch of people in the back are talking and saying I bet if he was here he could help the man they were speaking of was the dragon slayer but he was off doing his own.

I'm terribly sorry but all the adventures we have at the moment are in dungeons or doing Labyrinth adventures and there's no one around not even the Great Dragon Slayer himself no this can't be everyone's going to die are you sure it's lightning dragon and not a normal fire dragon yes it's a Lightning Dragon no regular dragon can shoot lightning out of its mouth yeah you're right Adelie
speaks we might have one he's off doing an adventure at the moment he should be back soon though the man she was speaking of was Relko a great necromancer.

A door opens behind and I step in hey Adelie got some things here for you my adventure's over the dungeon is cleared nice thanks Relko who's the kid I asked her oh his village is being attacked by a lightning dragon I see well you better get some qualified Adventures over to deal with that see you around wait why don't you do it nah you really want me to do it it's a pain in my ass I ain't doing it I then prepare to walk out however I feel a hand on my coat.

A whisper comes out please help I shrug in the annoyance grabbing the piece of paper off her desk right in my name and saying I'm taking it on I'll defeat this dragon it's on me I opened my coat and grab a flask it has booze in it I'm still drinking when you're Immortal you don't really need to worry about getting drunk all right come on kid let's go hey don't you at least want to know my name nope too much trouble for me let's just go okay thank you sir call me Relko okay Relko sir just Relko.

Okay Relko I'm guessing you came on horseback yes yes I did the horse is tired though and I don't think it can make it back I rode for 3 days straight wow surprised you didn't fall asleep in that time maybe you should take a little nap no it doesn't matter if I don't get enough sleep I need to save my Village wow you're brave thank you he says all right I then ask him where is your village he says it's east of it'll take 3 days on horse who said we're on horseback I asked him.

Well how else are we going to get there take your pic you want to ride on a dragon or a bear he looks at me and says what a dragon or bear what's quicker the Dragon but I'm pretty sure the dragon would scare your village so why don't we ride on a bear okay got it he seems really eager to get there quick so I summon bar bar is a bear by the way I can see that he's huge yes yes he is he hops on the back of the bear and so do I and bar runs.

To the Village we go 6 hours later and we make it to the Village I step off bar and tell him to stay so does the kid I then say wow it's a ghost town here sipping my booze from my flask as I do so okay where's your house I asked the kid swallowing the alcohol in my mouth he looks at me and ask are you drunk not yet but I'm hoping to be by the end of this mission can you be sober while you fight a dragon nah I'm good don't worry about me.

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