it's just business my friend just business

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It was 8:00 p.m. I took off everything and jumped into bed spending a hot steamy night with my wife you could say that at least that's what I wish would happen however yeah nope that didn't happen at all I was thrown into a separate bed in a separate room you want to know why because apparently the tradition of elves does not allow even a married couple to sleep together how crazy is that yeah so different rooms I really wish I could be with her but I'm not I'm stuck in here having to hear Agora and arachnia honestly I'm about to tell them to shut up and go to sleep how can they be doing nine of them now I would die after 3 it's around about 1:00 a.m. now and I'm just hearing them constantly how many rounds are you going to do I ask well we did five earlier and we're trying another five fourth is done now so on to the 5th are you going to keep me up all night I asked arachnia said no master we'll go to sleep soon just give us time well there's one problem with that I can't cut off the mental connection and why is that Agora asked.

Because I'm having a conversation with gladam where is she what shes looking at you through the window what a bitch Agora said arachnia then said enjoying the view gladam wishing you could have it huh gladam was then telling me she's now jealous well don't take it out on me I asked she then asked me a very ridiculous question I immediately said oh hell no she then said why Master you don't like me it's not that at all I said I'm not going to help you with your tension you can deal with that on your own I'm not your little play thing oh come on Master it'll be fun.

promise I'll be invisible you won't even know I'm there I am not letting you watch me sleep no I didn't want to watch you sleep I went to sleep with you that ain't happening I tell her you got to be firm with your summons otherwise they'll walk all over you especially the females because they sure will walk all over you arachnia already does that and I can't do anything about it because she's with Agora all right I've had enough of this.

conversation if you're not going to tell me anything interesting I'm going to cut the mental connection now I tell her Master don't I cut it I don't want to hear no more of that moment it was starting to drive me crazy and now I can't sleep I thought I'm really not going to be able to get any sleep tonight will I 5:00 a.m. and I'm still awake I'm wanting to be with ethereala damn you elves why can't a married couple be together why can't they sleep in the same bed I'm not going to get any sleep tonight now thanks Agora I could literally hear Agora and the female part of him start laughing at me the last started making me angry I was tired and I needed to get some sleep and I need to stop being so pissed I stopped up close my eyes and just well I fell asleep course though I had to be woken up by the mental connection somehow being put back on this was Agora now yo master all done with the arachnia for now if you want to have fun with her you can he began to laugh at me oh wait you don't want to shut your mouth you damn bitch I said to Agora not really knowing what to call it am I going to bastard that might give it a nice idea but that word kind of makes the female side angry so it works you really should stop calling me that it's not funny anymore master can I ask something why is it every time I call you that that side talks but you don't that's easy because I'm not the same as her wait what you seriously thought we were the same creature no she's a different entity.

entirely she ain't even a part of me I'm just an amalgamation made up with her and some other creatures she's the highest personality though next to me you get it now wait then being mean to her is just being mean to her yeah you're not even hurting my feelings you're killing the poor girl oh damn it how was I supposed to know it's okay Master don't worry about it can I split you two apart she seems way nicer I speak with him do not tempt me to rip you to pieces honestly I don't want her to go I think I gotten used to her just a little agreed he did use me when he wanted to and you accepted it I mean how can I not put together I'm part of him in some way in fact I think a few of my pieces are literally with him wait though you have multiple pieces do you not no you don't understand it's not that I have multiple Parts it's that I can create multiple parts when you truly think about it I'm a genderless entity what I was so confused.

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