business as usual

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Blood was heard smashing up flesh on Stone and the sound of someone growling in pain an equitable voice saying let me go could be heard it said it one more time but all it hurt all you could hear was Smash in a flesh against Stone like someone was grabbing up on their head and smashing them into the ground the scene appears and we see someone in white clothing Slam in the head of a dark elf on the ground however it wasn't enough though it was a demon a demon is what we call the dark elves that are high on dark magic he said it one more time with a gurgle in his mouth as he swallowed his own blood trying to keep himself conscious let me go they were spaced out that's all you can hear before you heard this sound of a slam on the ground and a growl going uha and a voice saying naive demon I will Vanquish thy the demon spoke I'm not a demon I'm a dark elf we were told that you were to demon now you were lying to me no boy I'm telling you the truth he told the man as the man was torturing him the man slammed his head into the ground once again saying lies.

Are you trying to tell me this whole time the church has been lying to me my whole life that's right the demon says that's what elves call us we are high on dark magic we're powerful so elves call us demons but you humans took that as monsters from another dimension how dumb are you all interesting the man said now let me go you were wrong no can do he takes out his holy sword and ends the man's life.

POV Relko well I woke up to the face of not anyone I recognize that first I was groggy and my eyes were slipped over my pupils so it's almost impossible to see them but I noticed it was the elf queen when I opened them fully get your ass up she said what's going on I asked what time is it 9:30 it's a little too early for you to be screaming at me I said to her reluctantly I got up once I did she asked if I wanted to immediately go meet the Emperor or eat something shit I'm going to eat something I said what would you like then little too early for me just to speak out isn't it I asked I suppose so and you're all the way across that table can't sit next to me nope that wouldn't be proper for a queen to sit next to a forgive me commoner okay I see.

So just because I'm a commoner you your royalty cannot sit next to me correct not too but you're also married and it's kind of against our culture oh that makes more sense yeah from what it says in the culture a woman who is not married may not sit next to a married man or married woman for it is against our culture that's the culture pretty much yes.

Damn you elves are pretty polite got to be honest pretty much yes although you cannot call a female elves we are separate wait you're you're not elves then no males are elves we are known as elvin's it is what you would call a females so you're a queen Elvin yes so the guys are elves correct course that's only for us Forest ones okay so dark elf females they be Pixies and for the mountain ones they would be fairies what the I'm so confused ah you get the hang of it and let me guess the demon female elves are actually known as succubus what is that no they're demonasses or demonasse I see that makes absolutely no sense but okay are you done eating you've literally gave me nothing to eat yet oh right sorry so what do you want I point to the menu and so I want these two things she looks at and goes pancakes and waffles got it.

Damn she is good I thought to myself as she made up everything of course she didn't do it she just sat there one of the maids did it what's the food was placed in front of me I started to munch down and eat when I heard someone come in I didn't do anything though honestly because I thought it was one of her servants I was wrong her face was shrouded in horror as a gun was placed in my head oh great a damn assassin I thought it's over for you Relko I found you at last the man said yes yes you did I said not really paying attention to him at all I just continue to stuff my face as the queen had a look on her face of horror and terrified for my life Relko what does he says I looked at her and said do as he says what he wants me to do is lay down and die he's an assassin shut up it's over for you Relko I sat there grabbed his gun and said you want to kill me you're going to want to place it here I placed it to my temple and told him not do it just save me a lot of trouble.

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