new existence now I know

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I woke up in a strange place no clue where I even was I was in some weird place it was a house it was warm and I was Undercovers I noticed that I had bandages all over my body and all I was wearing with my pants I don't know who took me out of my clothes and I don't know where I am but these bandages were all around me as in I was hurt wait why is my regeneration not kicking in did I lose my power or something no I can't be I don't know what's going on but I need to find out.

I get up out of the bed and start walking over to the Mirror I realize my hair is longer than it should be have I been here for over a week I think to myself I even grew a beard it's not very long of course but I still grew one I admire myself in the mirror I realize I look good with facial hair I think I'll keep it after that I hear a knock on the door and a woman's voice I don't recognize her voice the woman walks in and goes.

POV random lady oh good you're up and this is embarrassing to be completely honest I found you in an area close by you were collapsed and unconscious and badly bruised and injured so I decided to take you up here and put you in the bed you've been out in a coma for about 6 days now so do you mind if I ask you your name.

POV Relko yeah I don't mind she then said okay I told her my name was Relko she looked at me and said surfing I guess that was her name I then asked her where I was.

POV surfing oh you're in the Kingdom of Oracle our King is Sebastian oracle that is the name of her King so may I ask what are you doing here?

POV Relko I don't know I don't remember anything I don't even know how I got here sorry but I can't tell you nothing I have no clue all I can remember is my name and someone that I've kind of Forgotten this is not fun for me I can't remember a thing wait who am I.

Surfing I'm sorry but I don't know who you are I wish I could help you but I have no clue I hope this helps though.

Relko she handed me some food and I sat down and said thank you as I ate it she told me some more things I was learning more and more as I sat here eating the more I learned the more I wanted to go explore it's a new place it's always fun to have a little time to yourself I can barely remember anything though I barely remember where I'm from let alone who I am what happened to me why can't I remember and what are these five journals within my inventory.

Surfing well I hope I can help you anyway I can in the meantime you might as well rest you were badly injured and battered and bruised I thought you were going to die to be honest so just rest and later on I'll take you to the guild where you can talk to The Guild Master okay.

Relko Okay got it thank you I appreciate you your help a lot I hope I can help you in the future as well

Surfing wow what a gentleman you are I got to say I'm guessing you're taking from the way you're talking right now what you saying you don't remember so maybe you are I guess that ring says it all though.

Relko what ring I ask her wait I have a ring on my finger it's on the finger you use for a ring weird who am I where am I from I forgot everything but the minute I touch the ring I could remember a face a face I would lay with at night and sleep next to it couldn't be am I married I think to myself.

Surfing well anyway I'm guessing you are married even if you can't remember I hope you eventually do so you can get back to her she's probably sick and worried right now anyway get some rest I'll see you tomorrow.

POV Relko she was probably right if I am married my wife is definitely home worried sick about me she's probably cried over a thousand times already over the past 6 days most likely if I am married that is I could just be engaged for I I'm very confused I don't remember a thing or where I'm from or who I am for that matter all I know is I have regeneration and I'm immortal and that's it that's all I know I don't know anything else where I'm from or who I am I hope to find out this very soon but for now I will rest.

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