fate changes all

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We lay our eyes on a man named Relko he is a necromancer hated by the whole world and inherited the power of the ancient necromancers he wields a sword known as the dematerializing blade which can destroy anything with one slice and the living sword known as chaos consume
He inherited the power from the ancient necromancers however the blade known as chaos consume and dematerializer we're made by the ancient first Necromancer known as ogako our Relko though is way more powerful and now let us begin our story.

POV Relko I've been trying to figure out my powers for quite a while now my psychic abilities Unleashed when I was in trouble and distress it seems my abilities only work when I'm in danger I know I cannot die I'm immortal I can never die I'm curious if I can figure a way to get them to finally work so I will be training with them for a while nevertheless I better get home later in the morning.


I woke up to the voice of my wife in distress I don't know what was her problem but the minute I woke up I figured it out she was floating in the air what are you doing up there I ask her she looks at me and says

I don't know you tell me I just woke up up here in the air.

Can I see I was trying not to laugh I don't know how to get you down I still can't control my powers.

A lot of help you are then dear.

I'll figure it out hold on I close my eyes and think and finally I'm able to stop the power I let her down and I figure it out pretty easily thanks to my skill quick learner

I learn things really quickly any skill that I see or ability I see I can copy with almost perfect accuracy however there are some flaws to my ability it is not a perfect copy it is only an almost perfect copy meaning if I do it wrong the skill can be dangerous very dangerous any skill I already have though will be learned very quickly I will learn how to use it quicker than most.

The worst thing is I'm not too sure fully how to use my psychic abilities I'll have to work on that and figure it out more so it's time to go to a dungeon and train. I go to the first dungeon that I can see that I can train in for a while I stay there for about 3 days and quickly learn my skills however my weapons are starting to get very dull and I'm not in the mood to use dematerialization I really need to shorten this name of this sword every time I try to talk about it dematerialize in Blade it's a pain in the ass. I'm not too sure how I'm going to do this I will figure it out though so I head back to the necromancer's Labyrinth the master one or necro Labyrinth for short once I'm there I repolish my blades and repair them and then I head back to the dungeon like nothing happened before you see when it comes to the necros Labyrinth especially the master one wherever I was before I can always head right back. I continue to learn my abilities it takes quite a while a learning curve is quite a lot when you think about it.

Nevertheless it takes quite a long time even though I have a skill called quick learner it's not quite as quick as you think it still takes 5 days to fully learn something I need to get the advanced version and to do that I need a ton of skill points anyone who doesn't know what skill points are is not in my world skill points in my world are quite interesting you only get a certain amount when you're born and the more you do things like explore Dungeons and do work you get more and more and more what I'm going to use my skill points on is quick learner to advance it to the next level known as instant learner or instant learn it takes a long time you have to get through advanced and ultimate before you can get there those are quicker so I should definitely get to those once I get instant learner I will learn anything instantly on site nevertheless make any perfect copy.

You would think that would be insane and very powerful and you be right it is very Op overpowered that is you would imagine such my skills are starting to get very powerful and I figured out how to use psychic abilities more and more now I can fly with kinesis I really wish I could get a flying skill but to get one I have to eat a flying creature and let me tell you they are not tasty whatsoever when it comes to getting new skills you cannot fry it or boil it or even cook it you have to eat it raw and let me just say the only flying creature I can find is a gargoyle and if you don't know what a gargoyle is it's literally Stone of course that's a modern gargoyle if I really want to get the skill of flight though I need to get an old gargoyle they turn the stone in their old age however I need to get one that's younger hence the name old gargoyle they become Young when they become stone and they're old when they are not Stone it's kind of weird to be honest.

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