A Day to Remember

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A/N a little note if you are under the age of 17 please do not read this story I curse a lot in these stories and my characters curse as well yea so you have been warned if you are under the age of 17 please do not read this story from here on out it will be completely over the age of 17 at least mature age to be exact so if you are not 17 please do not read or read at your own risk anyway with all that said let's get to the story.

It was early in the morning I rolled out of bed I saw my girl sleeping next to me of course I didn't wake her up I walked to the door and opened it and it was immediately blinded by the Sun ah I scream I'm blind I shouted of course try not to wake her up I hear a butler saying sir yes I say he then tells me breakfast is ready thank you so much I didn't feel a head hit my back what's all the Ruckus it was her she woke up nothing ethereala it's just I've been blinded by the Sun.

Oh okay she says I didn't tell her I have an idea what's your idea she asked I've been said I'll use a spell to block the light what kind of spell I then yell

veil of Darkness

It's a spell that is a blocks out all light really she says. yes but I'll explain more about it later I tell her all right what did the butler say oh breakfast is ready let's go she tells me okay I say a few seconds later we get to the table we meet up with the queen and king which I still have not figured out the names of the two I'll have to ask my wife later if you did not know ethereala is my wife if you wonder how that happened well let me just to explain in the culture of humans of this world why am I saying this world I'm confused well anyway basically sleeping together with a woman means you're married I know that makes no sense in some way but it honestly makes sense to me so yeah after that we then eat some breakfast and then she says I'm going to go bathe.

I cockately jokingly ask her can I join you her face turns all red and flustered she then starts to stutter ¡.¡.¡. well I guess her face still red she then blurts out yes okay you can join me with her head down low and I could see your hands trembling hey why are you so afraid it's not like I haven't seen you with nothing on before she then looks at me and says you're right I don't know why I got all flustered there it's normal I tell her I guess so she says after that I joined her.

Soon as I stepped into the warm bath I almost fell back to sleep again it was so warm that I could not stay awake eventually I did wake up though fully and I was ready to do my daily routine before that though you probably want to know what happened in the bath I'm so sorry I'm not telling you nothing that's my little secret hahaha after the bath we then walked over to her father he was speaking to one of the generals of his army really now he says and then ask him what's going on oh Relko just the man I was looking for why were you looking for me I was in a bath he then coughs and goes with her yes I tell him her face then turns red again what's so wrong about it nothing at all princess he tells her I see so you call her princess well she is a princess I know I tell him anyway what do you have a new dungeon is just opened up you peeked my interest I tell him really now are you an adventurer before I could even get the words out she blurts out yes.

What you going tell him I wanted to I tell her well I wanted to do it she then grumbles but I. keep it up and you won't get no more special time immediately I shut my mouth knowing exactly what that means her dad then asked what is special time don't ask I tell him you don't want to know let's just say it's special that's why it's called special time if you're wondering exactly what special time is I'm not telling you that is a little thing me and her do together and if your mind's in the gutter you're wrong it's nothing like that why did I say gutter what is that even oh no I don't know what's going on I feel different I remember things that I probably should not I don't know what's going on with me oh now that we just had a casual mental breakdown let's just yeah let's just go back to what I was talking about after he said the dungeon and stuff he then told me do you want to explore it yes indeed I do I tell him very well I'll give you the layout.

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