3 As a Boss

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Part 3 As a Boss

Arnav was thinking about Khushi and her way of handling problems. It was easy to advise anyone until we were in such a situation. When it came to our own self, we would not think of that advice and forget it because our feelings would overpower our minds he supposed.

He went to meet the new project team. Though they would work in their respective cubicles, they would be connected.

Arnav saw an office assistant crossing by.


"Yes, sir..."

"Call Khushi"

"Yes, sir..."

The OA rushed to Khushi's cabin.

"Khushi Madam, ASR is calling you"

Khushi nodded ok and came out. She saw Arnav waiting there.

"Sir, Amir Bhai said you called me"


"The office assistant you sent to my cabin..."

"Mmm, let's go..."

He walked to meet the team and Khushi followed him. The huge hall became pin-drop silent. All of them stood up.

"Jawahar..." Arnav called someone.

A man came there with a few fellows. The staff looked at each other like who are they?

"All of you step away from your computers..." Arnav ordered.

Everyone took a step and came out of their table except Indar.

"Start..." Arnav ordered.

Jawahar and his fellows started checking all the computers which shocked Indar. Khushi smirked looking at Arnav. She knew why he took such a step. That was why he checked everyone's PC unannounced. She looked at Indar who sweated badly. His computer was going to be checked and get caught because he kept FB in the shortcut. He could not even remove it because the Wi-Fi didn't work. Yes, Arnav disconnected the Wi-Fi connection before coming there. He would get caught if he didn't do anything. Without thinking about anything, he extended his hand towards the computer and formatted his computer. It was not hard for him to do it as there was no much data on his computer as he just cleared their previous project details a week ago.

When Jawahar's man came to his computer, there was nothing. He looked at Indar suspiciously and said,

"Jawahar sir, his computer is empty. There is no data..."

All the staff looked at him. Jawahar ran to his cubical, whereas Arnav walked there.

"What happened? How it's possible?" Arnav asked.

"Sir, I too was trying to find out how my computer is formatted. I found it out just before you came here, Sir..." he said without stammering.

"What about the new project? Have not you started it yet?"

"I did sir..."

"Do you have its hard copies?"

"no, sir"

"Then, how will you bring them back?"

"I will do it, sir"

"You have to do it today itself"

"Yes, sir..."

"Otherwise, you will be out of the team"

"Yes, sir..." his tone was low.

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