17 One's deed would burn him!

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Part 17 One's deed would burn him!

Khushi gazed at the kids who were eating and chitchatting laughingly. She smiled lovingly, remembering the lady's words. She looked at the man who was their father. She would be the luckiest person in the world if the lady's word would come true. Even his wife was not lucky to be with him... then, could she be the lucky girl? If Arnav was ready to accept her as his wife, how would her life be? Would not she be happy with him and his kids? She would... undoubtedly she would...! Arnav would be the best husband for sure. If he showed concern for his PA to this extent, then he would give his best to cheer his wife. She had no doubt. Would he accept her as his wife? Khushi gulped down. She wondered about her thoughts.

How could she think like this? Arnav was a nice man. He had no romantic ideas in his mind. What would he think if he got to know what she thought about him? She looked down, feeling awkward. She slowly raised her eyes and looked at him. He was laughing at the blunt joke uttered by Aarav. Khushi's lips curved into a beautiful smile. What was wrong in that, if she wanted to marry him? She was not going to snatch him from his wife though. His wife was no more. He could not even take the kids to the Theme park without a woman's help. He indeed needed a woman's help to grow his kids. Why wouldn't she be helpful for his whole life?

Would she be ready to be the SECOND choice? Her MIND questioned her. He was a nice man she never met. There was nothing wrong with being the SECOND choice of the BEST man. Her HEART answered.

The kids went to wash their hands. Arnav followed them.

"I will just come, washing my hands," Arnav said.

Khushi nodded her head smiling. How sweetly he informed before going to wash his hands...! How simple this man was! She had a huge respect for Arnav in her heart. She sensed her respect turning into admiration.

Shali and Shamli headed to their table after washing their hands. Suddenly, they started running, towards her giggling. They pulled her hand and made her stand from the chair. Clutching her hands, they rotated her. Khushi smilingly played with them.

Aarav who came following his sisters smiled seeing them playing with Khushi. He got stuck hearing a little girl asking his mother.

"Mom, see how their mom is playing with them. Why don't you play with me like that?"

Aarav looked at Khushi without moving. She laughed with Shali and Shamli gladly.

Arnav saw him standing alone.

"Aarav... what are you waiting for?"

He nodded his head from left to right and walked with him. Seeing Arnav coming, Shamli and Shali stopped playing smilingly.

"Guys, why are you troubling Khushi?"

"There is nothing called trouble, sir. I like to play with them" Khushi caressed Shali's hair smiling.

"Khushi, these guys will make your mouth dry, if you start playing with them" Arnav warned her smiling.

"I won't mind because they are good kids... am I right?"

Shali and Shamli nodded yes.

"Ok... you are good kids. Let's go. We have to drop Khushi home"

Khushi's facial expression changed. It was annoying to go to a place where there was nothing called solace. Arnav noticed that and felt bad for her.

Arnav started the car after they got into it. Arnav noticed that Aarav became silent.

"Aarav... what happened? Why are you silent?"

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