21 Using Helplessness

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Part 21 Using Helplessness

They reached GH. Arnav turned behind and tapped Khushi's cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and sat. Arnav got out of the car and opened the door for her. She got down, leaving her bag in the car. She walked to her home slowly. Arnav ran before her and rang the calling bell before she reached. Garima opened the door and saw Khushi coming with slow steps.

"Khushiiii... what happened?" Garima came to her and circled her shoulders.

"She was electrocuted..." Arnav said.

"Hey Devi Maiya..."

"The doctor checked her," Arnav said.

"Thank you, sir"

"I'm leaving. She doesn't have to come to the office tomorrow if she is not feeling well" Arnav said.

Garima nodded ok. Arnav walked out and Garima took Khushi to her room.

Arnav got into the car and Mohan started the car. Arnav left the place. When they came a little far, Arnav coincidently looked behind and saw Khushi's bag in the back seat.

"Stop the car..." he said.

Mohan stopped the car at the side of the road, looking around cautiously.

"Go to Khushi's house"

Taking a *U* turn, Mohan went to Khushi's house again. Taking her bag, Arnav went to GH. He stopped hearing Garima talking on the phone. The person on the other side was Naveen. His blood boiled hearing her saying,

"This is a good chance, Naveen beta. Khushi is electrocuted. She is weak and exhausted. Taking rest. If you come here, you can talk to her now. Neither she can run nor can she fight with you"


"Oh, no... when will you come from Agra?"


"OK, come to GH directly and try to talk to her. I don't want you to miss this chance"


Arnav stood listening to it. He didn't know what to do. Neither he could be with Khushi nor could he take her home. He had no right to do that. He was relieved as Naveen was not in the condition to reach GH right away. It seemed he was stuck in Agra. It would take a minimum of four hours for him to reach Delhi. So, Khushi would start feeling better before he reached Delhi. Then she would manage him, I believed.

He rang the bell and Garima opened the door that was not locked.

"Khushi's bag... she left it in the car," he extended it.

"thank you, sir" Garima took it from him.

Without asking anything, Arnav left the place. He didn't like to talk to the cunning woman who didn't care about her daughter's feelings but money. He didn't understand one thing. Guptas were not poor. They looked enough rich. Then why this woman was behind Naveen? Was not the money she had enough for her? He thought. He came to GH without informing Aman. He thought to call Aman and checked his pocket. That was when he got to know he had left his phone in his cabin after talking to the doctor.

In the meanwhile, Dadi called Arnav two times. As he didn't attend the call, she called Aman. He attended it.

"Hello, Dadi..."

"Where is Arnav?"

"Arnav? He would be in his cabin"

"He didn't attend my calls. I thought he would be with you"

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