Outta the house

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Onika Jones//Oni

It's been 4 years since she's got raped and abused by Tj. She's now 19. She moved out of the house she lived in with her mom when she was 18. Exactly after Prom, she and her bestie Skyler moved to California.

They both wanted to move to California genuinely because they were tired of Atlanta, but the main reason Onika wanted to move is because she was running away from Tj. Skyler doesn't know that she got raped by him, only her mom and Lamar does. She felt too embarrassed to tell Sky because she didn't put him in jail. It's only because she didn't have evidence. So he wasn't able to go to get locked up. Lucky for her, she never saw Tj again ever since that day.

She was so relieved when her mom told her 3 years ago that Tj ended up going to jail for theft and rape.

Since that day, Onika has been going to Therapy, Self defence classes and has also been doing people's hair and makeup. Owning her own beauty Salon and sharing a house with Skyler. She's been happy ever since. Just the only thing that still hurts is that she'll never be able to get pregnant. The day she got abused, her mom took her to the doctor and they said her Cervix got badly damaged. Meaning she could never get pregnant and that it takes a miracle for her to get pregnant. If so than it would be a high risk pregnancy.
But otherwise she's been happy with her friends and family.

Skyler Wilson//Sky

"Girl get yo ass outta dis bed right now! It's frickin 2pm and we got plans remember!" I said as I pulled the blanket off Onika

Onika and I have been besties since 4th grade and have been inseparable since.

"Im too tiredddd." She dragged as she tries going back to sleep but I pulled her off the bed

"OOP! Bitch what the heck?"

"Don't what the heck me. I told you we going to Lamar's house. C'mon, go get ready" I say

"Lamar's house? Bitch, the nigga don't even like you. Y'alls always end up fighting, arguing or dissing eachother" She said as she made her way to the bathroom.

Onika and Lamer have known eachother their whole life. Their mamas are friends. I only started talking to him when I got to Cal. We never liked eachother💀

"That's our way of expressing our friendship" i say as I walk outta the room

"Righttttt" Onika drags as she rolls her eyes

"Bitch just go get ready"

Onika Jones//Oni

I began to get ready. Doing my hygiene and hair. I got dressed and did some light makeup to cover some of the marks from 4 years ago. After getting ready, I headed down stairs to the living room.

"YESSSS MY BABY IS READY! And U look sexy" Skyler cheered as I walked down the stairs

"Hehe. You're very dramatic but anyways. U took sexy too" I said

"Whatever. Anyways You wanna eat now or when we get at Lamer's crib? So we can just order something for all of us" Skyler asked as I said sat on the couch.

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