First meet or defeat?

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You turned to Jiro stunned that she asked you that. I mean...You could meet Shoto, and though being a hero isn't exactly your interest, you can earn a lot of money. It didn't seem too bad.

But wait, there's no way you would pass the entrance exams. You barely use your quirk. You used to use it for arm wrestles against some boys in your class who think they're stronger than you even when you use your quirk. How wrong they were...

Either ways, you definitely don't have enough practice. Jiro said with enthusiasm,

"You'd be great! Your quirk is really strong! The next late entrance exams begins in a week. You'll have plenty of time to practice and you have enough strength to defeat the robots."

She had never sounded so...lively. Hm should you do it? I mean, it's worth a try. You should do it! For Shoto at least. You must pass! And find ways on how to seduce cold men. about that....

A/N :- I know, we all are waiting for the juice. So let me explain everything which happens in the next week. Jiro and you would video call every day to train with each other. You with the help of your father, surprisingly learned a lot more about your quirk and grew stronger. In the late entrance exams, you defeated the robots in record time with your great strength and speed. You passed with flying colors and got your admission letter and another letter which asked you to send a design of your hero costume. You immediately made your costume look extremely hot for you know who. You added red and white segments on purpose to make it look like Shoto's ice and fire. Your outfit was going to look like something Shoto would wear if he was a female. Finally, your first day arrived!

You stood in front of the UA gates feeling so new. It feels good to have blocked your boyfriend from everything, and becoming a new you who is stronger and in the process of developing a passion for becoming a hero. But mainly, making Shoto Todoroki your boyfriend. Cant wait for that part!

As you walked into the halls, you felt a lot of eyes on you. Although you ignored it all and walked straight into Class 1A. Excited to meet Jiro and none other than Shoto. You stood in the doorway with an excited grin. Your gaze locked with Jiro who waved at you from one of the seats. 

Everyone else were seated. You suddenly looked at the front and there you saw a tall man whom you immediately recognized as Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher for class 1A. He looked at you with cold and unphased eyes.

He asked "Who are you?".

You confusedly replied "I'm Class 1A's new student. I was admitted through the late examinations."

He raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you Y/N Kumabe?."

You nodded and the next few words he said made you almost fall down in shock."

Y/N, you were admitted in Class 1B," He said coldly and blankly.

Class 1B!? What!? What did he mean Class 1B!? The biggest purpose in joining UA was to be with Jiro and Shoto. Your gaze shifted to Jiro who seemed equally stunned. It was true that you didn't read the admission letter because you just randomly thought you would be admitted in Class 1A. It was the whole purpose! You felt like breaking down on your knees. 

Your legs started shaking and you clenched your fists in shock. No way. No way. What about Shoto and all your plans of seducing him? What about Jiro?

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now