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Credits to Avleyi from Pinterest for the meme above!

You looked up at him, he looked more attractive in real life. And the way he was gracefully eating his soba. Why is everything about him making your heart beat so fast? Fudge this feeling which brought you all the way here...Anyways, its time to initiate your plan.

 You walked towards his table bravely, feeling like your about to climb a mountain.

Suddenly, you felt something soft yet hard hit your face as you tumbled down onto the hard floor, in the middle of the cafeteria. You let out a groan in pain as you rubbed your side-head before opening your eyes to see whom you bumped into.

 You looked up to see Momo! You must have hit her back when she was walking in front of you with her food tray. She gasped and helped you up.

"I'm so sorry. Y/N right?" She apologized and asked you hesitantly.

You nodded trying to make a smile but the pain in your side-head wasn't making it easy. As you looked around, all eyes were on the both of you. Looks like you falling down sure caused a scene. Wait...does that mean....Your eyes shift to the table next to you. 

There he was, Shoto Todoroki! He was staring at you with a stoic/neutral expression wondering what's going on.

You felt your heart flutter. Oh my god...He's looking at you...He's looking at you....Shoto Todoroki...Is looking at you...Oh my gosh! Okay, It's okay! Be cool, and just be smooth....And you know, try to start a conversation. First up, sit next to him!

As you were about to walk forward and take the empty seat next to him, you felt something familiar brush past you and beat you to it. The same Momo Yaoyorozu sat down next to him and started a conversation with him. 

She looked really happy and was fricking smiling at him. What if...they were dating? Jiro didn't exactly tell you anything about him being in a relationship but judging by everything she told you about his personality, the last thing you were expecting was for him to be dating someone.

Are you...too late? No...No this can't be. They can't be a thing. Why are you sad anyways? You don't even know him, Heck, you haven't even met him...But Momo knows him in real life and they've spent almost a year in class together. Oh god...What do you do? Do you just ask them? Is that too weird? 

As you were thinking and thinking, Jiro approached you and pulled you to sit down next to her. You know you were supposed to try to start a conversation with Shoto but he's too busy with a girl who's ten times better than you. 

You know what, you'll initiate your plan tomorrow. For now, you shall enjoy your time with Jiro.

The bell rang and you waved goodbye to Jiro before walking back to class.

A/N :- Let's skip past what happens during rest of your school time. Because....Its school....Basically, during hero training, you get to know a lot about your class mates and you even befriended a few like Kendo. Throughout the entire school hours, your mind was only thinking about Shoto. Your basically a simp.

Finally, its over. Your legs felt stubby after hero training but apart from that, your fine. You headed towards Class 1B's dorm rooms before Kendo stopped you mid hallway. She asked, 

"Y/N, your friends with...wait what was her name again? Ah yes...Kyoka Jiro!...You know her right?".

You turned to her and raised an eyebrow confused wondering what this is all about. You nodded and replied "Yes I do. Anything wrong?".

She simply smiled and explained "Not really. Vlad King asked me to explain this to you but apparently Kyoka thought you'd be joining her class.

So she had before handedly asked the dorm rooms administrator Yoshiharu Kira (ヨシハル キラ)to arrange a room for you in Class 1A's dormitory building. When the staff asked him to arrange a room, he had told them that he has already done it and no one apart from Jiro knew he had done it in Class 1A's building. They only recently found out. So your gonna have to head out to Class 1A's dormitory. You'll be living with them instead! A newly furnished and cleaned room awaits."

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now