His eyes up close...-(i)

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Credits to "=)" from Pinterest for the meme above!

Gyah...My god demn head hurts...Where am I...

You slowly opened your eyes and started looking around. You're in a hospital bed, huh? How did you end up in here?

And then you had a flash of memories which helped you recall what happened. You were in the street, walking when you noticed Fuyumi Todoroki in the middle of the road digging through her purse and not noticing a ginormous truck heading her way in out of control.

When she did notice the truck, she froze in place and turned pale. You don't know what came over you but you jumped in and pushed her away, you yourself dodging the truck as well. Both your heads hit the hard pavement and you collapsed on the spot. 

You heard blood leak out as well as distant sirens followed by people screaming.

You sat up on the bed sighing. That must have been your first hero deed ever. But wait, you have to check on Fuyumi. Is she okay? You saved her but your heads did hit the floor hard. As you tried to leave the bed, a strap which was stuck on your back-head pulled you backward. You removed it aggressively making the big band aid on your back-head come off.

 You felt both your elbows wrapped in bandages. Wow, seems like you took a decent amount of damage. As you left your room, you went straight to the nearest nurse and asked her where Fuyumi Todoroki's room is.

"Miss, I'm gonna need you to calm down and rest in your designated room. We'll let you know after the doctor has treated her," she said calmly yet strictly.

So they didn't treat her yet? That means she must have taken too much damage. "Is she okay? Did something too serious happen!? I'm not a very good savior, I just pushed her away in panic. She must have gotten a lot of damages because of me" you yelled frantically with a panicking voice.

"Minor injuries are better than the death she could have faced," a deeper voice behind you said. You turned around to see a male doctor in his 30s. Did he just say minor injuries? Oh thank god. You noticed that he came out of another room which is right next to yours. You and Fuyumi's rooms were close!

You immediately tried to run inside when he stopped you.

"She is fine Miss. I've treated her well, her family is in the room with her right now. You can visit her after they're done," He said. 

W-Wait? Her family!? O-Oh my god, OMG!!! Shoto must be in there! Right? Okay you shouldn't freak out.

You took a deep breath and sat down in a nearby chair. In a few minutes, two boys walked out of the room. 

Shoto Todoroki and Natsuo Todoroki.

You held onto your chest as both the boys noticed you outside with your hospital gown on. Shoto, looked at you.

Oh my gosh. Help, I might pass out

This is actually happening. Your face flushed red as you tried to not pant at his sight. Does he know you saved his sister? Is he gonna marry you now!?

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