I'm Strong

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Its now or never. Shoto stands there still unphased and he clearly is the only one who hasn't taken a single damage throughout. You shakily get up with burns all over your body.

"I'd suggest you don't try anything, the burns on your body are rather deep and can get worse the more movements you do" Shoto said with his classic oh-so monotone voice staring at you.

You smirk and say, "Your so cool Todoroki-Kun, makes me want to rip off that smugness off your face". Not in a million years have you ever thought that you'd say something like that to Shoto. But you just did. Your envy for him is gradually increasing along with your love.

You suddenly start ripping off the dummy trees and throwing it all at him at the same time. He burns them away continuously not noticing you gaining on him. You throw a rather large tree which blocks off his sight and helps you move behind the button.

After he burns the large tree away, his gaze shifts to you who's about to press the button. He creates an extremely large wave of ice in record time making your body get caught up in the ice and freezing you on the spot next to the button.

To think that I thought I can defeat him. I like him for a reason...

"TIME'S UP! THE DEFENDER SIDE WINS! POINT FOR CLASS 1A," Vlad said with a slightly disappointed tone but he cant blame you. Your a new student.

*Shoto nods at you with respect making you even more angry. His calmness is making you even more envious. What's going on with you.

He begins walking towards you with his left side immersed in flames. He has to unfreeze you. Somehow, watching him come closer to you is making your heart flutter so badly.

And you go back to yourself who imagines random movie scenes of him and you. As you wait for him to come closer, you suddenly notice a large and thick lamp post's end cracking.

Wait...If it breaks, It will directly fall on Shoto!

The cracking sound was so low, no one can hear it. You could only see it happen. You have to warn him but your jaw along with your entire body was stuck in ice and you couldn't speak. He continued walking towards you unaware of the lamp post breaking next to him.

No, I wont let anything happen to him

You suddenly make a low growling sound which stops him in his tracks and gets the attention of everyone who's watching the scene. Your nerves and guts suddenly become extremely explicit, and your arms grow bulgier.

You grow sharp fangs, and your hair begins flying. You literally pull off your arms from the strong ice with ease and suddenly, your arms automatically start gathering a bunch of wind.

Everyone, especially Shoto was staring at you in shock as his hair was flying along with the wind you were gathering. In less than a second, your strong wind force spread, breaking off EVERY SINGLE ICE in the area with ease.

ALL THE ICE BROKE DOWN INTO SMALL PARTICLES AS YOU GOT FREED AND JUMPED HIGH. Shoto's eyes widened even more staring at your sudden display of power. He thought you were about to attack him but instead he felt your body slip past him and push away the lamp post which was about to hit him.

Everyone gasped in shock. You did all that, to save him...Vlad stared at the scene, jaw dropped. No one had ever broken off that much heavy ice in less than seconds apart from you. One thing was clear,

***Your quirk is underestimated***

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now