You're a vampire!? 🍋

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Warning : This part contains the very first spicy scene of the story. And sorry that this part is a bit too short

What did she just say!? Sweet blood...? Is she...a vampire!?

"Y/N, what's going on-"

I shut myself up when she started dashing towards me with a psychotic grin. I dodged and sent some ice towards her, freezing her body.

"What is this Y/N?! Is this some kind of sick prank!? What happened to you? Your acting like a-"

"Sweet blood is talking to me~" she said in her oh-so creepy voice. Then to my shock, she broke through my ice with ease. I mean, this wasn't the first time she had done it but this time, she did it with way more ease.

Does this new form make her stronger and also put her through a rampage for blood? Is this a secret she had been hiding from me all this while? Was this a part of her quirk the entire time?

I was once again interrupted from thinking about these questions as she leapt towards me with high speed. I gasped and dodged once again.

I have to somehow knock her out without hurting her...

A battle of combat and quirks began between us, but she was very strong in both categories. I couldn't deal with her for too long.

I paused to catch some breathe and she used it towards her advantage.

She leapt onto me, before pinning me onto a wall of the rocky cave, her face was inches away from mine as she smiled creepily.

"Sweet blood is in front of me~"

"Y/N, what are you-"

My eyes widened as I felt a pair of fangs sink into my neck before sucking my blood. I gasped as I felt a rush of pain flood through me.


She kept sucking and sucking and I lost the energy to talk nor power up my flames. It was like my life was being drained out.

She pinned me harder onto the rocky wall, as her chest pressed upon mine, her hand held my head up and her other hand around my neck.

She made slight humming sounds in between, seemingly enjoying what she's drinking.

That's when she suddenly ran her tongue over the fang mark she created over my neck.

From pain, I felt a rush of something else...It felt...good

She started sucking gently but still hungrily, and her tongue keeping the fang mark moist.

Her teeth sunk deeply into my skin, I felt a mixture of pain and pleasure.


It felt strangely good, I lost a lot of energy...But I didn't want her to stop...I really didn't.

Her hand slowly moved from behind my neck, to my lower back as she pushed herself harder onto me.

She slowly ran her lips from my neck to my collar bones, making a trail of kisses.

I couldn't help but moan, she felt good....


She pushed her fangs into my neck on the same spot again...seemingly pushing it in and out taking as much blood as she can.

She completely rapped her arms around my torso, sucking aggressively.

That's when I felt everything turn black. I lost too much energy, I spoke out her name once again...Before collapsing onto the floor, unconscious.

I could feel blood leaking down my mouth as my eyes shut...

Here's an extra meme to salvage this short part :-

Credits to "fel !!" from Pinterest for the meme above!

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Credits to "fel !!" from Pinterest for the meme above!

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now