Confusion - (ii)

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Credits to Jae Grant for the meme above!

***Shoto's POV***

I was waiting for Y/N, by sitting on the bed of her dorm room.

My mind was still confused over the top. I woke up on a hospital bed, having a literal fang mark on my neck which no one had an explanation on why it appeared there.

The only thing I remembered was that I ran into a cave yesterday to save Y/N and I froze that gooey monster on the spot. And after that, I didn't remember anything else. 

The only thing I knew for sure is that Y/N was with me that time and she must know what happened. I must ask her...

It felt as if I was forgetting something important...

***Y/N's POV***

You silently walked into the dorm apartment, being loudly greeted by all your 1-A friends. But you ignored all of them as you were too upset to care.

You entered your room and froze upon seeing Shoto sitting inside. His eyes widened and he looked up at you.


He was cut off as you just turned around and was about to walk outside the room.

He got off the bed and leaned in, gently gripping your wrist, stopping you from exiting the room.

"Y/N, what happened? You look upset..." He asked softly and it hurt you rockets to reply, but you did.

"Let my wrist go," you said, not bothering to look at him.


"LET MY WRIST GO," you said angrily, still not staring at him. He let your wrist go, his body shaking and his eyes widened by your sudden attitude.

Did he do something wrong? He couldn't understand as you just walked out frustratedly.

***Shoto's POV***

What's actually going on. Is she avoiding me?

Did I do something to her that day in the cave which is causing her to be mad at me. I don't understand...My brain hurts...

I think I need a good day of rest to figure this out.


It was the next day, and I was walking alongside Midoriya, going to class when I felt Y/N brush past me completely avoiding me.

She would always stop by to talk.

I couldn't deal with this, I thought we were deep in love with each other and would always talk any issue out.

But that didn't seem the case.

I immediately left Midoriya hanging and rushed towards Y/N. I grabbed her wrist again stopping her from entering her class.

"Y/N, talk to me!" I said angrily. I didn't care if I sounded threatening. I need answers, right now!

"Ahem," Sensei Aizawa's voice could be heard. I let go of Y/N's wrist and entered class. I was going to confront her later no matter what. NO MATTER WHAT.

***Y/N's POV***

I walked to my class quickly and upset. I couldn't stand to avoid Shoto, I just couldn't. But what must be done, must be done.

During lunch break, I sat right next to Shinso in the canteen making it obvious to him that I'm trying to avoid Shoto, but he never questioned me and behaved normal with me.

Jiro joined me and him as well and they helped me stay occupied, away from Shoto.

But I could feel Shoto glaring at me from a distance, his eyes were so intense that I could feel its stare at me.

I excused myself to the washroom to get myself away from him and his stupid gaze.

I went to the handwash compartment and washed my hands when suddenly I saw Shoto's body appear behind me through the mirror. I turned around and to my shock, he pulled me next to him and pinned me onto one of the side walls...

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now