Jiro's idea - choice 1

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"I believe in my voice! Sorry Shinso, I'ma sing for my man," I said happily as I go to Jiro's side.

Shinso scowled but shrugged it off, "Meh, don't come falling on my feet if it doesn't work."

And then he walked off. Jiro pulled me into the woods a bit to make our song better. We added extra lines and cute phrases. 

It was a fun time and it really reminded me of my childhood with Jiro making me smile. As we continued extending the song, my mind flashed the same thought I had when I was on the bus. 

What was that one thing I forgot to pack? Maybe it's something important if it keeps flashing through my brain. 

"You good?" Jiro's voice asked taking me out of thoughts. I nodded and smiled as we continued working through the song.

***Shoto's POV***

I ate an entire bowl of soup made by none other than Bakugou himself. His culinary skills made me envy him a bit, but I didn't care as much.

But the one thing which bugged me was that Y/N wasn't anywhere. I wanted to spend more time with her for this camp could be a good opportunity to get my feelings out.

But she was nowhere. I swear to god, if she's with Shinso...

I got off the table and walked around, trying to find her. That was when I suddenly heard a beautiful singing voice coming from the deeper woods.

I walked in closer and my jaw dropped to see none other than Y/N sitting on a log with Jiro and singing a very beautiful song.

Her voice was...amazing.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I stared at her mesmerized.

But what Jiro told her next made my jaw come off my face and fall onto the floor.

"Amazing Y/N! Todoroki will surely fall for you after you sing this for him!" She said smiling at Y'N.

They were doing this...for me?

Y/N likes me? I felt a wave of excitement flood through me. So that means, later today, Y/N will sing the same song for me in private and I can get my feelings out too.

That entire idea made me smile.

They suddenly got up so I had to immediately rush out of the woods and take back my spot in the bench to act normal.

Jiro and Y/N came out of the woods as Mina asked them,

"Where were you guys? We would've started eating smores without you."

"Sorry, let's start now," Y/N spoke.

***Y/N's POV***

The rest of the day went smoothly, everyone sang songs together and fried marshmallows in the fire. But mainly, I got to stare at Shoto's face in front of the fire.

He stared back at me too and my face lit up.

Later on, Aizawa sensei asked everyone to go back to sleep. This was my chance!

I walked to Shoto...

"Todoroki! I have something to tell you, could you come with me to that spot for a minute?"

To my surprise, Shoto smiled immediately and nodded. It was as if he knew what I was going to do...

I smiled back at him as we went next to the beautiful moonlight.

Without saying a word, I slowly started singing the song which had cuter phrasing and words to make it obvious that I have feelings for me.

Upon hearing me sing, Shoto started blushing and his smile grew wider. He didn't seem surprised for some reason.

After I finished singing, I looked at him with hopeful eyes to see what he thinks. 

My heart skipped a beat, when he slowly leaned closer...and closer


"That was a beautiful song..."  He said in a husky tone, whispering into my ear. I turned into a tomato. 

His arms slowly extended and reached towards my back, I gasped as one of his hand came around my waist and the other slowly cupped my cheek.

"I like you too..." He said with a sweet smile as he stared at me with loving eyes. My heart was beating extremely fast...

He slowly inched closer, as his lips came towards mine....

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