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Credits to 🔥DABI🔥 from Pinterest for the meme above!

You knew Shinso from Jiro as well, but you never see him often. This is the first time you see him directly and properly. But damn, who knew someone can actually look good with that hairstyle (AND THAT WAS A COMPLIMENT, SO DONT GET MAD SHINSO SIMPS).

"Whats your name dude?" Shinso asks coldly...

Kazuho smiles smugly and says "Issss Kazuuuhoooo, wanna enjoy her together?".Suddenly, Kazuho froze pale. What's going on?

"Walk to the nearest police station and turn yourself in will ya?" Shinso said still coldly. And to your surprise, Kazuho nodded and did as told as if he was being mind controlled.

Woah, this must be Shinso's quirk. Thats strong! You turned to Shinso and smiled, "Thank you so much. Your Shinso right?".

Shinso gave you a simple glare before walking away. He was giving you Shoto 2.0 vibes and that immediately made you feel strongly connected to him. You immediately rushed forward and started walking along side him.

"Hmm, so uhm, what are you doing this late?" You asked with a smile while carrying the packed sweater. Shinso's gaze shifted to it and he said, "You like Todoroki huh?". 

You turned red in embarrassment but there's no point in hiding it. Everyone from class 1A already know. You slightly nodded. "Bad choice, but sure I guess," he said coldly. 

You were confused. Is he judging you? You just shrugged and continued talking to him even though he barely replies.

You reach the dorms together. Damn, seems like you made a new friend.

***Next day in the cafeteria***

You purposely walked towards Shinso and sat alongside him. You wanna be closer with him.

"Heyyyy remember meeee?" You said teasingly as you started eating and taking food from his plate as if you guys are best friends.

"Ugh, what do you want?" He asks annoyed. Shoto who is in another table, notices you not next to him. When he sees you next to Shinso, his eyes widen. Suddenly, his heart beats faster again. 

But this time, he can feel himself heat up as he glares at you both. What is this intense feeling? He decides to shrug it off and continues eating all though he can't help but glance at you and Shinso from time to time. It feels weird for him as you've always sat next to him like the clingy person you are and talked to him continuously. 

Though he doesn't show it and barely replies to you, he enjoys having someone by his side and having someone to listen to all day along. That's a comfort he's never had and was provided to him by his classmates often and mainly you.

As Shinso annoyedly tries to tolerate your talkative behavior, he notices Shoto's eyes piercing you both frequently. Shinso then elbows you and mumbles while chewing on his sushi,

"Can you please just go and sit next to Todoroki and leave me alone. I don't want to create some random drama".

You forgot the fact that your supposed to sit with Shoto. 

But then you just shrug and say, "He can deal without me for one lunch break. But what if he can't!? OMG maybe he likes me already!? What should we name our kids!???".

Shinso raised an eyebrow. You just said "Kids" in front of him with no serious embarrassment. Just how comfortable were you with this guy that you met like yesterday.

You were unaware of the fact that Shoto's not the only one staring at you both. Nahomi was as well...Except she didn't seem smug like she normally is. Seeing you with Shinso was making her...angry? 

But why? And why wasn't she showing the same reaction when you were with Shoto?

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now