Her form...

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Credits to "anxious" from Pinterest for the meme above!

I rushed towards her; my hands already turned to fists.

Upon noticing me walking towards her, I saw a hint of panic in her face which made me even more suspicious.

"What did you do to Y/N?" I asked, gritting my teeth. Nahomi rolled her eyes and said, "Why do you really care, I mean she's weak and clumsy and-"

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO Y/N?" I asked, anger boiling through me and Nahomi finally understood the intensity of my emotions. "Welp, I saw her going into some cave, that's all I know," she said simply.

I knew that she must have something to do with Y/N going into a cave all by herself. I immediately rushed past her and went through the bushes to find the cave.

Upon seeing it, I heard the growls of some wild animal coming out of the cave.

Y/N's in danger...

I slid towards the big rock blocking the cave with my ice and slashed it with my fire, its stone bits hitting my face and giving me bruises. But I didn't care, I am saving Y/N no matter what!

***Y/N POV***

You continued running away from the gooey figure, it was growling and chasing you deeper and deeper into the dark, long cave.

That's when you heard none other than Shoto's voice calling out to you from the entrance, his voice echoing everywhere. 

The gooey figure immediately stopped chasing you and ran towards the entrance.

Oh no, it's going after Shoto.

But you decided to stay calm, Shoto can easily freeze that figure, but you can't. You slowly got into a rockier area in the cave and sat down on the floor, waiting for Shoto to come to you.

You could hear the crickets sing outside, it's nighttime...

That's when you felt a change in your body. Your guts were starting to grow and your fangs...were starting to appear. Your veins got so thick that they ripped your shirt in half.

What's going on!? What's happening to me!? Am I going under a vampire rampage!? There is no way!? I... oh, the thing I forgot to pack was blood. How did I forget to pack something I've been drinking all my life to avoid situations like these!? Oh no, my body is transforming into that of a vampire's...I'm about to start hunting for.... blood

***Shoto's POV***

As I ran into the cave through the entrance, my eyes widened to see a gooey figure inside running towards me, growling.

Did this thing...kill Y/N? Is she okay?

I pulled myself out of these thoughts and dodged the gooey figure's punch directed towards me. In a swift move, I powered up my ice and froze the entire figure's body.

It screamed and screamed at me. But before I could do something else to it, I heard another growl come from deep within the cave. But this time, it sounded more...humanly?

Could that possibly be Y/N? Or just another smaller gooey figure coming after Y/N?

I worriedly started running deeper and deeper inside.

That's when I heard the same growl again. I ran towards the side before seeing the last thing I expected to see.

Y/N... But she wasn't herself? Her shirt was ripped apart, her guts and veins extremely explicit...And... fangs?


Upon hearing my voice, she immediately turned around and stared at me, her eyes vicious and almost lustful?

"Y/N, what's going on! What happened to your body!? You look like a demon! Is this some kind of addition to your quirk or did that monster do something to you!?" I asked my voice shaking at the sight of her in such a state.

She growled at me once again before muttering something under her breath...

"I want...sweet blood~"

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now