Thank you Mina!

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But uh-oh, you forgot about one thing. None of them know that it can give you a blood lust. And your dad asked you to not tell anyone about that part of your quirk.

You have to cover up right now! Now that you think about it, your dad must have mentioned a quirk name for you while applying to UA. Hm what was it again? Ah yes...

"Incrizer," you say also mentioning that you call it a vampire quirk as a joke.That name is a combination of increasing and stabilizing one's abilities.

Izuku nodded and continued asking you a bunch of questions about your quirk. You could feel Shoto's eyes gazing at you throughout and it made you blush extremely hard but you continued to act chill.

The rest of school ended quickly, and the only bummer is, is that you have a butt load of homework. But at least you'll be meeting up with Shoto and Izuku. You kind of wish Izuku didn't have to come as you want to be alone with Shoto but hey that's too mean. Izuku is pretty kind.


You left your dorm room and went down towards the grounds. In the distance, you could see Izuku speeding around while carrying a load of ice. Huh...Thats a strange way to practice your speed while weightlifting.

You could see Shoto watching him while also carrying a small bar bell himself. He noticed you coming forward as Izuku waves at you.

"So what are we doing now?" You asked awkwardly.

"Normal training. But first, can you tell me why you couldnt use the power you used when saving me throughout the battle?" Shoto asked coming straight to the point.

You yourself had no idea and didn't know what to answer him. So you just spilled out whatever came out of your mind.

"Its like a strong sudden power surge one can get when they see someone in danger you know. At that moment all my mind told me to do was use that sudden surge to the fullest causing it to get stronger. I dont know anything about it myself but I'm learning, just like Izuku here".

Shoto was about to say something when Izuku stepped in and said,

"But Y/N, you could have hurt yourself while pushing the lamp post. Its a reckless move and you could've thought of something else to push it away". He sounded worried. You smiled and replied,

"If you think of the future during the present, you let the present slide. If you continue blinking with no motion, you let the movements slide. So don't think, don't blink, Just do it!" (Totally didn't copy that off the internet)

When you said that, Shoto's eyes widened. Thats something his mother had once told him. He looked at you with newfound respect. He seems...impressed? He definitely is starting to find you more interesting.

Suddenly you heard a scream. Mina was racing towards you three while sliding with her acid and holding a pan which is on fire.

"WATCH OUT! ITS ON FIRE! I GOTTA GET RID OF IT! MOVE AWAY" She yelled.You guys were too stunned to react...


You slowly opened your eyes and gasped. You were on top of Shoto and your noses were touching....

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now