Camp - (ii)

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Credits to "Anime is amazing" from Pinterest for the meme above

Our class finally reached the camp spot as I looked around excited. We all had our own tents and a few cabins for the teachers. A bunch of wood in between for a fire.

Night time will certainly be fun. 

As I was walking around, checking out the place with my girl friends, Shoto and Nahomi were staring at me from different directions constantly making me feel a bit uncomfortable.

 But I didn't let them get to me.

(TIME SKIP : The day passed by with training and it was finally evening, almost night)

That was a long day...

I sat in front of the sunset enjoying the view as my other classmates and students from the other classes were enjoying food, primarily Sato's cupcakes.

I decided to sing a song while watching the sunset...

♫ The sun was setting, painting the sky with a magnificent, vivid red

The light was dim yet still glorious, my aunt had said

I couldn't help but stop for a moment, my worries melting away as I took in the stunning sight

Nothing mattered anymore, as long as I could feel and relish the beauty of that light

I took a step back, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I embraced the calmness and euphoria that overcame me

Then had I realized, that there is nothing better to see

I smiled to myself, feeling grateful for this moment of peace. I knew this was a rare thing, something to be cherished and remembered forever

How I hoped that beautiful things like these could take over my life, yet god's answer to that is always never

But that is what makes moments such as this so precious and unique

It helps my happiness for rare moments like these to reach its highest peak

To hold me over and to remind me that life is not always grey and dreary, but sometimes filled with joy and amazement

And though life has provided me with things which aren't enough, it never fails to prove that joy is the best element

And despite It's many trials and tribulations, this small piece of happiness I found in that moment will never fade from my heart

But sometimes, I tend to let bad memories flood my mind even when I face joy and it turns into an inescapable dart

That pierces through my soul and reminds me of past mistakes and failures

A ruthless, saddening condition I've somehow managed to endure for years

But I am learning, day by day, to accept that pain and grief are only a part of life, yet so is joy and beauty

So we all shall cherish our lives and accept all the gifts god gave us for it is our duty

Because, to dwell on the negative and drown in sorrow is a waste of the most precious gift of all: life

So let's all learn to live happily, spread harmony and with all costs avoid anything which creates grief like tears or a strife 

A/N :- Hiya! This was actually a poem I wrote when I was little and I hope you liked it =) By the way, spicy time will be coming soon...

As I finished singing the song, I heard two people clap. To my embarrassment, Shinso came from the left and Jiro came from the right.

"You still have the same beautiful voice Y/N," Jiro said sweetly with a smile. Shinso had a small impressed smile.

"Thanks guys, I couldn't help but think about ways on how I'm going to impress Shoto in the future," You said feeling brave for actually saying that. 

Jiro's eyes suddenly widened but then she turned it back to normal before saying,

"Y/N, if you just sing that song to Todoroki, he will be head over heels for you. I can help you make it better, you should come with me!"

Shinso retaliated by saying, "You think Todoroki is going to have the patience to listen to her singing for that long like we do? I think you should make him some food. That sugar rush guy's chocolate sticks are amazing, you should make some for Todoroki with me, It will surely impress him."

You now had to make a choice. Make your song better with Jiro and sing it to Shoto, or cook chocolate sticks with Shinso and possibly Sato as well to present it to Shoto.

If you chose Jiro, click on the "Jiro's idea - choice 1" part.

If you chose Shinso, click on the "Shinso's idea - choice 2" part.

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