Watch out!

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Oh my gosh...Oh my gosh...You fricking love Jiro! Yay! Who cares if you have to attend classes with 1B? Your gonna be living with 1A!? Shoto Todoroki everyday after school! Maybe this is not all bad! You just cant wait! You got so excited that you literally jumped onto Kendo and hugged her tight with a bright smile.

She gasped but hugged you back with her own smile, slightly weirded out. Without a doubt, you rush to Class 1A's dormitory, barging into the main hall while panting. The hall was filled with a bunch of students.

Ejirou Kirishima, Denki Kaminari and Hanta Sero were all sitting on the couch with controllers in their hands. Rikido Sato, Minoru Mineta, Mina Ashido and Ochaco Uraraka were in the kitchen, probably cooking something.

In the corner, Momo and Jiro were sitting with a laptop scrolling through random spotify playlists. You could see a floating shirt next to them and you recognised her as Toru Hagakure. The rest of them weren't there.

You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming in excitement. They all stared at you confused before Kirishima spoke up,

"Oh wait!? Its you, Class 1B's new girl! You came to our class this morning right?".

"But what is she doing here?" Sero asked confusedly. Jiro spoke up for me,

"Ah, I sort of told Mr Yoshiharu to arrange a room for her in our building because I thought she's in our class."

Kaminari scanned me from top to bottom before saying "Oh! She's that girl we saw in the street. Your middle school friend or something right? Why was she crying again—" Before he could continue, Jiro smacked his head down with her right hand.

Mina giggled and yelled "So you'll be living with us! How exciting! Hi I'm Mina Ashido! You can call me Mina."

And just like that they all started introducing themselves even though you already knew their names.You awkwardly nodded and asked Jiro forgetting the fact that they can all hear you.

"Where is Shoto!?" you asked excitedly trying to contain yourself from giggling.

Jiro was about to answer you when everyone else raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Kaminari asked "Huh? You know Todoroki? Aren't you knew to UA? And why are you looking for him?".

There was a pause before he started grinning mischievously,

"Oh~ I see what's going on. Wow, Shoto's so lucky. Even chicks from 1B like him" he said not even bothering to hide it to save you from the embarrassment.

Mina followed up with a smirk "What!? Y/N and Shoto? I mean, I don't think they have met but that is so cute!".

"Aha its nothing like that. I don't even know him, its nothing! I'm just a fan for his...skills. I watched the sports festival, you see," you said covering up for yourself and trying to not blush. Jiro nodded to support you but it was too late. You were a blushing mess.

"Well, Shoto went to visit his mom to ask her to test out his new soup recipe" Momo said casually. Wow just wow. The nerve for her to say that so blankly. Of course she would because she wanted him all for herself.

Okay you shouldn't...You were hating on her just because you saw her chatting with Shoto in the cafeteria. Its fine, you should just calm down. She just meant to inform you and help out.

Either ways, you felt upset. Oh god, when will you ever get to talk to him and express how much you wish to be his future wife. (Call me crazy, IDC). You sighed and set up some basic stuff in you room, before simply walking out the hall and deciding to go on a quick walk.

You roamed the same street where Jiro first asked you if you wanted to join UA. And 1 week and 5 days later, here you are! A UA student going on a walk. As you continued walking, your eyes fell on a girl who is older than you. She was in the middle of a zebra walking in the busy road and seemed to be frantically digging into her purse with desperation. But that's not the reason she caught your eye.

She had similar features to Shoto. You recognized her from the family pictures you had seen of the Todoroki Family. That is Fuyumi Todoroki.

Wow! You can't believe it. Your seeing Fuyumi herself in the road! You were about to walk towards her and befriend her when the sounds of people screaming alerted you.

There, in the same road, a gigantic truck with trembling barrels was heading Fuyumi's way! It seemed to have lost control and the driver was screaming motioning her to move away...

The next few minutes...All you could hear was a loud thud, screams, blood flowing, and sirens...

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now