His eyes up close...-(ii)

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***Shoto's POV***

"Its delicious dear...," my mom said with her ever so beautiful smile which had been calming me during my childhood. I nodded feeling proud. Looking at Bakugou cutting vegetables definitely has its own advantages.

Suddenly my phone rang. It was from Natsuo. What could he possibly want at this time? I answered the phone and before I could even say something, I heard his panicking voice.


I nearly dropped my phone in shock. My sister got in an accident. My mom heard Natsuo from my phone as well and she turned pale in shock.

"Shoto, go to the hospital with him immediately and call me to let me know how she's doing," she said in a rushed voice. I immediately nodded and put on my jacket. Natsuo took me on his motorbike, and we reached the hospital in a minute or so.

The doctor said "She's fine. You must be very grateful for that brave young girl for saving her from that moving truck". He led us into Fuyumi's room and there she was sitting up on the bed with a smile. I sighed in relief.

Me and Natsuo talked to her for a while before we decided to leave to pay for the hospital bills. I know my old man is in a mission, so I'm surprised he managed to send the hospital money to Natsuo's credit card in time.

As we both walked out, I saw a girl in a hospital gown. She had black hair and Black eyes. She was sitting on a nearby chair before she slowly looked up to me. Oh, she's the girl who I saw in the cafeteria today morning.

She bumped into Yaoyorozu. She honestly didn't give me the impression of someone who would jump in to save people risking their own lives. But here she was now, having saved my sister.

Words couldn't describe how grateful I am to her. I must go thank her. Suddenly, after she saw me, her face turned bright red. Is she okay? She must be sick. Natsuo began giggling next to me. Why is he laughing at her red face? Isn't she sick?

I slowly walked up to her...

***Onyx'S POV***

I'm dreaming, I'm actually dreaming. He's coming to me, what do I do!? This is embarrassing, I'm bright red. Natsuo Todoroki's already laughing at my expression

You already started imagining random movie scenes as he approached you. He suddenly bowed down and said "Thank you so much for saving our sister". His voice was so monotone but you could see the gratefulness in his eyes. Those god damn eyes....Those eyeeeessss....

As he went back to standing normally, he stared at you with a stoic face waiting for you to say something but you got lost in his eyes. You were stuck in a trance as you continue staring at his eyes which were locked onto yours. You both were legit having a staring competition. Holy cow...Those eyes....

Natsuo's voice brought you back to reality. "Please allow us to pay for your hospital bills," he offered with a kind voice.

You shook immediately and said with a nervous voice, "U-Uhm, n-no its okay. I-I c-can p-pay for it. It's fine".

Natsuo nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go Shoto."

Shoto stared at you blankly before nodding and walking away with Natsuo. Holy smoke that beautiful cold face.

Wait, you just lost your chance in befriending him. But he thanked you so maybe it means something...? No it doesn't...He's just being a normal guy who's thanking someone who saved his sister.

Ugh, I thought I made it so obvious that I have a crush on him. So why did he not acknowledge it? Did he reject me or is he so dense that he didn't realize that I like him. I'm pretty sure Natsuo noticed my blushing.

You shook getting these thoughts out of your head. The nurse just informed you that your parents are waiting outside for you. You met up with them and your mom started crying. She must have been so worried.

You literally forgot that you had been in an accident after you saw Shoto and his dreamy eyes. Your parents paid for the hospital bills, and you even had a chat with Fuyumi who was constantly thanking you for risking your own life to save her. She even gave you, her number.

Hehe, I'll definitely manipulate her into giving me Shoto's number soonLittle did you know, that tomorrow isn't going to be any less weird....

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