Confusion - (i)

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Credits to "Dane!!" from Pinterest for the meme above! It's hilarious!

***Y/N's POV***

You woke up to find myself in a hospital bed accompanied by the rays of the morning light passing in through the window and Recovery Girl sitting on a chair next to you.

"Where am I?"

You gasped to see Sensei Aizawa staring at you from the other side of the bed.

"Y/N, we found you and Todoroki laying on the floor side by side, unconscious. You looked fine but Todoroki had bruises over his face and a fang mark on his neck. Not to mention he had an awful loss of blood, but Recovery Girl cured him. We assumed it was probably from that gooey monster we found next to the entrance, trapped in ice."

Upon hearing the phrase 'fang mark', you immediately remembered what happened yesterday. You forgot to pack animal blood for camp day and ended up going on a vampire rampage, sucking blood from Shoto before passing out, satisfied. 

You couldn't believe that you forgot to pack something so important. But...what if Shoto remembers everything which happened as well.

According to what your dad told you, the victims of a vampire who pass out after their blood being consumed, always forget their memories the next day. But it can possibly be retrieved if they see or talk again to the same vampire which sucked their blood.

That means, if Shoto sees or converses with you...You're busted.

"How did you find us Sensei?" You asked, looking up at Sensei Aizawa.

"After we defeated the villains, you both were the only two students we couldn't find. That's when Shinso told us that Nahomi definitely had something to do with it. At first, we didn't trust him as why would a student of ours possibly try to hurt you two. But upon further consultation, Nahomi admitted that she tricked you into entering a cave to leave you to die with the gooey beast and Shoto followed after you inside. 

We expelled Nahomi yesterday upon returning to UA. Your classmates are worried and waiting for you in the dorms. Principal Nezu strictly asked all students to stay inside their dorms and not leave anywhere. Return to your dorm room after taking sufficient rest," he replied before walking out.

You turned to Recovery Girl upon digesting all the news, "Is Todoroki okay!?".

"Oh yes dear, I cured him earlier. He's completely safe. Except I'm still unable to know where he got that fang mark from as it just wouldn't disappear even when I tried to use my quirk. 

The teachers clearly didn't see a hint of teeth in the monster's mouth. Oh well, should've been some strong snake inside that cave," She replied in a funny tone. 

You were soon released from the hospital room as you got out and headed towards your dorm room. What are you going to do? You messed up big time by not packing the blood for the trip.

And you end up hurting the one you thought you could spend the rest of your life with. 

I should just stay away from him. It's for the best. I can't let him find out about my quirk's secret nor can I risk ever hurting him again...

You couldn't help but release a few tears while heading towards your dorm room...How are you going to avoid Shoto? 

The more he converses and looks at you, the more he'll remember what happened on camp day, so you have no choice but to avoid him at all costs...But it will still hurt to avoid a guy you love.

My Vampire quirk (私の吸血鬼の能力)  || Shoto Todoroki  x Y/N || MHAWhere stories live. Discover now