A perfect day for a perfect battle!

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Ahhh, such a beautiful morning in the dorm rooms. Your head feels way better. You got all ready for UA. As you walked out your room, Jiro was already waiting.

"Your head feels better?"

"Mhm," You replied with a smile.

"GOOD MORNING SHOTO'S SECRET ADMIRER!" Kaminari yelled early morning making you flush red. He's been shipping you with Shoto even more ever since you saving his sister made it on the news. 

Jiro stared at him angrily which shut him down. Mina joined you and Jiro as you three walked to your respective classes. You waved good bye to them as you walked into Class 1B. You were trying to find ways on how you were going to talk to Shoto in the cafeteria today when Vlad entered to announce something important.


"Oh you mean the lame class? Cant wait to show them up," Monoma said loud enough for all of us to hear.

This is your chance to befriend Shoto. But what did Monoma mean by "show them up"? Its a training session right? Or...

Is it a Class 1A VS 1B thing...? Uh-oh...

Vlad turned to you as you were immersed deep into your thoughts."Ah! Y/N! Congrats on your accomplishment yesterday which made it on the news! You'll make 1B proud!".

"Uhm thanks sir," You said slightly embarrassed as everyone turned to look at you. Finally, your class was led to the training grounds and from the opposite side, you could see 1A entering as some of them waved at you. 

Monoma turned to you and said, "And why are you interacting with the lame class?" before he started throwing loud insults at them. Kendo walked behind me and smacked his head onto the ground before pulling him away.

As you classes stood in opposite sides facing each other, Shoto's gaze shifted to you, observing you. You noticed him staring and felt your cheeks turn red.

Why is he staring? Does he wanna marry me? No I should stop being delusional. He's just staring at me curiously after I saved his sister

Mr Aizawa stepped in between and announced,

"Alright, remember what we did last time. The rules are just slightly different. Vlad will announce it because I know you problem children will ask useless doubts throughout". And just like that, he tucked into his sleeping bag and fell asleep on the floor. That's some, interesting teacher...

Vlad said "We'll be separating you all into teams of three. 1 team from class 1A VS 1 team from class 1B. The objective is to defeat the opposing team and reach their side of the map's end and click on the big red button which resides there. Thus its similar to attackers and defenders. I will announce the teams".

Straight up, the first team pairing he announced was a shock. I swear to god, this school is full of shocks.


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