Camp - (i)

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Credits to Katherine Grace from Pinterest for the meme above!

The morning rays of the sun made you smile as you got out of bed. It's time for camp day, other wise known as possible drama with Nahomi and alone time with Shoto.

Also growing your friendship with Jiro or Shinso.

You came to class and were greeted by your classmates. People from class 1-A were there to, to your luck. Shoto saw you from a distance. Upon noticing him, you walked towards him with a bubbly expression.

"Are you excited Todoroki!? Cuz I feel very very hyper!" You said with an infectious smile. As you jumped around in joy, Shoto just smiled back enjoying your presence. His heart beat so fast every time you were around.

As you were jumping, someone's shoulder bumped into you and you fell on the floor as everyone gasped.


You turned around to see Nahomi, "Oops, sorry...I have a bad habit of bumping into children," She said with a smug expression.

You growled in anger as a cold voice behind you spoke, 

"Don't you think you should apologize?"

Shoto's voice always sent chills down your spine but not in such an intense way. "Why should I apologize to careless children, Mr. daddy issues?" Nahomi retaliated cruelly.

"Your about see this daddy solve his issues..." Shoto said in an annoyed matter as he started walking towards Nahomi.

He has no idea how suggestive that sounded...

"Let's stay manly Todobro," Kirishima said in soothingly manly voice as he stopped Shoto from gaining on Nahomi by putting his hand on his shoulder.

But to your surprise, something else happened.

"Apologize, Now"

Shinso? Where did he come from? 

Shinso appeared behind Nahomi and placed his hand on her shoulder, before speaking in an intense tone, "I said apologize to her, right now."

Nahomi felt chills as she heard Shinso's voice so close behind her. As much as it annoyed how he was supporting you, she couldn't help but release a small blush which easily caught your attention.

Nahomi...Likes Shinso?

You couldn't believe that you witnessed your old bully blushing at one of your male friends. Nahomi gulped before apologizing to you and rushing off distressed. 

There was also a slight hint of anger in her tone. She really didn't seem to like how Shinso was defending you.

Meanwhile, Shoto behind you was equally enraged. Shinso did something he failed to do and this made him clench his fists.

***Shoto's POV***

Why does Shinso never mind his own business, he definitely purposely showed me up right now. What does Y/N see in him? His quirk is very weak if you know what it is and his hair....

My thoughts got deeper when I saw Y/N thanking him right in front of me. I tried to defend her too, where is my thanks? God da*n.....

"Thank you too Shoto," Y/N finally turned to me and spoke. Half my worries disappeared but it would only fully leave after that Shinso gets out of this class and goes to his own.

I think one thing is clear, I might have developed what people call "romantic feelings" for Y/N. I don't know her much. But her smile, her wholesome reactions, her kindness, her willingness to stay by my side, everything was something which made me admire her to a point where I felt over possessive every time, she wasn't with me....

I must win her over, at some point.

***Y/N'S POV***

All my classmates got into the ginormous bus and we started driving to the camp with Vlad King, Class 1-A's bus was  right in front of ours. I got a bit too over excited, but Kendo helped me stay chill by watching videos with me in Youtube.

I felt like I forgot to pack something important, but I don't know what it is. But oh well, I didn't let it bother me. Surely, it's not something that important...Right?

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