Nagisa was served breakfast at the head table. He laughed, talked with his parents, honestly he couldn't recall a better birthday. Normally he would just have his mom and the twins. Sometimes Ozzie or Xavier would remember and show up. Never had it been his entire family.
Ryu's hand was either holding Nagisa's, or on the teen's back, or their legs were touching under the table. Nagisa finished his meal. He glanced at the braclet on his wrist.
"Dad, um, these aren't, uh you know for um Ellington?" Nagisa finally got out.
"Well, he did give them to me on my wedding day." Reginald's lips curled at the corners.
"He also demanded them back when he disowned me, tried giving them to Lucifer during one of the times they attempted to kidnap him." Reginald added.
"Then, this isn't for our clan? This is for his!" Nagisa went to take the braclet off. A hand fell over his.
Only then did Nagisa see the intricate golden braclet that adorned his father's wrists. He glanced to the opposite on, where the identical braclet caught the light under the sleeve of his shirt.
"Don't ever take it off. Don't ever hide it. Wear it, so he sees." Reginald smiled at his young son.
"He is going to kill the kid for it." A snide sounding voice spoke up.
"Or mother will. She does whatever Grandfather wants." Clydesworth commented.
He was seated beside Lucifer, drinking wine this early in the day. Lucifer glanced to the guy beside ehim.
"He will try, but Nagisa has more tricks in his bag, than a kids magician at their birthday party." The nearly always quite brother insisted.
"Thanks Luce!" Nagisa chuckled.
"They enhance your ability. Not only your vampire side, or your strength in fighting." Lucifer looked up to the teen.
"But, it will enhance your witchcraft as well. Becareful, little brother." He said in his stone cold tone.
"Right." Nagisa nodded. He sipped his orange juice.
"I don't recall ever having a birthday with so many people." He chuckled.
"But, it's all your family." Ryu pointed out.
"Yeah, dad was always gone. Marcus was busy with his archvist duties, Mori, who knew where they were. Lucifer would show up at night. Occasionally Xavier or Ozzie would come in. My birthdays have always been just the twins, mom, Collin and me." Nagisa hung his head.
"I guess I never understood why. Now I know and I sorta feel bad for it. I'm sorry for hating you all because of it." Nagisa muttered.
"You always made our birthday's special." Marcus smirked.
"Yes, we knew we did something wrong if we woke up and didn't find a Nagisa original work wrapped beside our bed!" Xavier snickered.
"I always enjoyed seeing them there." Lucifer spoke softly.
"Remeber the Christmas he made us all matching sweaters, but his was the only one that didn't go witht he theme!" Ozzie chuckled.
"Oh, whose birthday was it that he made that lime green tunic thing?" Faraday asked.
"It was hidious!" She snickered.
"It was mine, and I loved it." Cami glared at her sister.
"Then why don't you wear it any longer?" Faraday shot back.
"Because he made it for me when I was ten! I out grew it!" Cami hissed.
"WAIT!" Ryu called.
"If you were ten, Nagisa would only have been..." He pointed to his boyfriend.
SHIFT 2 - Purgatory
FantastikThe half vampire half witch Nagisa Romanari is back for his second term. With his friends, new found fame and new boyfriend surrounding him, how will his life change. Ryu is to face the Tuscanny gladiator trials, where they fight to the death. This...