Chapter 4: Supernatural Exist In This World

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with the other gargoyles are in the rooftop's building by themselves and they both were stood right there and chilling little bit and (Y/N) was smoking the cigarette from his lighter that just light it up. Then (Y/N) just chilling by himself and make him was look down and he saw all everything around here was cool to (Y/N) and make him definitely chilling and he look at the leader gargoyle.

 Then (Y/N) just chilling by himself and make him was look down and he saw all everything around here was cool to (Y/N) and make him definitely chilling and he look at the leader gargoyle

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(Y/N): "So, I want to know what's going on here? Are those things friends of yours?" He asked him.

Goliath: "No, they aren't friend of mine...because they are machine and assassin were sent to kill me and my clan." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I see..." He said to him.

Goliath: "Question is...who are you and what are you? Are you like Merlin?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Merlin? Look, buddy...that wizard was die long time ago and as for me...I'm nothing like a wizard." He said to him.

Hudson: "And what about the power that you have it with you? Is it magic or dark magic-" He tries to said and make (Y/N) was suddenly opened his hands out and release some flames comes from his hands and it is glowing up. Then the gargoyles were take a surprises for what they saw (Y/N) just summon the flames appeared in his both hands and make him was let out a sigh little bit and then he definitely controlled it.

 Then the gargoyles were take a surprises for what they saw (Y/N) just summon the flames appeared in his both hands and make him was let out a sigh little bit and then he definitely controlled it

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Broadway: "Whoa!" He said.

Lexington: "Holy..." He said.

Angela: "He can control the fire?" She asked herself.

Hudson: "My god." He said and then (Y/N) was finally shut his hands with flames away and make him was stood right there by himself and he was gave them a wave little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "So, what do you think?" He asked them and make them were look at each others and they have no idea else what to said and make (Y/N) was sigh out and he look at them and make him was speak out to them with his words.

(Y/N): "Listen, I know you all don't trust me...but don't worry...I'm a good guy like you guys are...I hunt demons everywhere in this world." He said to them.

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