Chapter 18: Delilah & Demon Hunter

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3rd POV:

In Maza's House.

Eliza: "Mammon?" She asked (Y/N).

There was Goliath and the gargoyles with other clan by themselves and they both were sat there and heard the demon had a name is 'Mammon' and (Y/N) was holding the ancient of angels and demons book...but they want to know what is going on right now...these demons and angels also (Y/N) look at them and he said.

Eliza: "But why is he here?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I have no idea...but an angel who was break him out of the hell." He said to her. 

(Y/N): "Alright, you all ready for listening it?" He asked them and make them were nod their heads and they both were listening at (Y/N) who was speaking out to them about this Mammon and the demon want to visit to the Earth because he is looking for Spear Of Destiny. Well, (Y/N) want them to understand about it and they both were prepare to fight whatever it is came here and the demons with angels are here in this world among the humans.

After he was tell them the telltale of Mammon and son of Satan also lot of evils and monsters that they were made out there and (Y/N) can seen the gargoyles were definitely afraid and scare of those angels and demons. Then (Y/N) told the gargoyles that the angels doesn't like the gargoyles because they think them are really evils and disgusting about it and (Y/N) Know they are mad about this.

Goliath: "We have never done anything wrong with the mankind." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What about Demona? She got a sins for what she did." He said to them and then (Y/N) was stood right there and he sigh out little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "There was an angel that I really trust her for long time ago since I meet her." He said to them.

Broadway: "Really? You meet an angel?!?" He said.

Lexington: "Is he a friendly?" He asked (Y/N).

Brooklyn: "There's no way you've been meet an angel, Constantine." He said to him.

Hudson: "Quiet, lads...let the boy speak out." He said to them and make the gargoyles were shut up and they turn their heads to look at (Y/N) and make him was speaking out to them about this archangel name is Gabriel.

(Y/N): "Her name is Gabriel...The Archangel of death...but she is a half-breed." He said to them.

Goliath: "Half-breed? What do you mean like half human and angel?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to him and he told them about this archangel Gabriel who send (Y/N) here to terminate the gargoyles but turns out that he found out the gargoyles were good persons and they never hurt anyone else.

Then they didn't know the archangel who was sent (Y/N) to kill them and (Y/N) was apologize to them about his actions for what his doing and he know how to dealt with this situation before and Derrick asked (Y/N) in question.

Derrick: "So, what are we going to do?" He asked (Y/N) and make him was sigh out little bit and he said to the gargoyles with his brave words.

(Y/N): "Tonight, we are going out...we're gonna hunt these demons down and killing many more of them out there and send them straight to the hell where they are belong to." He said to them and make them heard this and it is great idea for what he want them to hunt the demons down and before Mammon reach to New York city.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was in the rooftop's building and make him stood right there and watching at the New York city and all everything around to him was peaceful but some demons were out there and (Y/N) probably prepare to use the weapon to killing many monsters or demons in this world. Then Demona who was appeared beside with (Y/N) and then the two of them were stood there and chilling little bit also (Y/N) take the cigarette and lighter out by himself and make (Y/N) was put the cigarette in his mouth and take the lighter out and make him light it up.

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