Chapter 14: The Accident Or Suicidal?

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

There was a new crime case going up in this New York city and make the three detectives were heading to the hospital right away and then they both were checking at the crime case where the victim was been killed

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There was a new crime case going up in this New York city and make the three detectives were heading to the hospital right away and then they both were checking at the crime case where the victim was been killed. Then (Y/N) notice Elisa who had a pain on her face and she definitely know someone was important to her...and it looks like something goes off and make (Y/N) with Matt went there by themselves and they need to find out about what happened.

Morgan: "Elisa, you shouldn't seen this." He said to her.

Elisa: "Where is she?" She asked Morgan.

Morgan: "Over there...check it out." He said to her and make her was pass through at the policeman and then she went up there by herself also the others as well don't know what to do...but they just going to watch it and then she went up there. When Elisa was made it there and then she saw the body was covering in white blanket and looks like there was a death body of someone else.

Elisa: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She said to herself and make her was opened it out and revealed the person is her own sister.

Elisa: "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" She said to herself and make her was opened it out and revealed the person is her own sister

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Beth Maza.

Elisa: "Beth...." She said to herself and she felt pain and sorrow that she saw her sister was laying there by herself and make her tries to checking at her and need to make sure that she was been kill or shot but she asked Maria.

Maria: "She tries to kill herself." She said to Elisa.

Elisa: "There's no way she just kill herself!" She said to Maria.

When (Y/N) went up ahead and make him was turn his head to look over there and he saw there was Elisa who look down at her little sister was been killed and this make (Y/N) confuse about this weird case right now and (Y/N) definitely need to know what happened. When (Y/N) was turn his head to look around and observe all everything around in the pool and seems fine...but the waters were fine and (Y/N) wasn't sure to know what happened.

Maria: "She was got out of her room from the hospital and she went to the rooftop of hospital and jump off from the rooftop and fall all the ways down on the pool by herself." She said to Elisa.

(Y/N): "Suicidal or accident." He said to them and make him was turn his head to look at the window was crash through and seen there was rooftop's building and make him was turn his head to look over there and he notice that looks like isn't good right now. When (Y/N) tries to think how did this happened and make him definitely going to find out more information with this whole things and he was reach his hand and touch the water and make him was remembered it in his head.

In Flashback.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's start the beginning." He said to himself and make him turn his head to look around in the darkness and finally he notice there was a girl over there....Beth.

Beth Maza.

Beth was heard something in her head that make her felt scared as hell and she decide to running off to the rooftop's building by herself.

(Y/N): "*I this is how getting started. The mark of her left seems like the book...Anti-Christ.*" He thought himself and then he went back to himself.

End Of Flashback.

After (Y/N) went back to himself already and make him was saw the whole things right now...the girl was kill herself but why? Why did she tries to kill herself and (Y/N) is confuse but something else come after the girl and prepare to hurt her. When Elisa was felt her tears come down from her eyes and make (Y/N) notice her loss someone that she really care about and it seems like she lost her sister and brother.

(Y/N): "*Sigh*" He was sigh out little bit.

Maria: "Constantine? Can you take Elisa back to the car right now?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to her and then (Y/N) was walk to Elisa and make him grab her shoulder and he said.

(Y/N): "Elisa, I'm sorry for your loss....C'mon...let's get you back to the car and you can tell your parent about what happened." He said to Elisa and make her heard this and she was sigh out little bit and then the three of them went to the car right away by themselves. Then (Y/N) was told Elisa about what happened and then she doesn't believe (Y/N) said but he told her the truth and Matt ask (Y/N) about why did she suicide herself.

(Y/N): "I don't know...but I better to find out the truth." He said to himself and Elisa was tries her best to calm and make her believe for what (Y/N) speak out to her and she thinks (Y/N) definitely told her that is the promise whatever it takes.

To Be Continued.

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