Chapter VI

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(A chapter focusing on Sailor V, the first Sailor Soldier)

Artemis leaped from the moon to the earth, his mission clear in his mind: to search for a soldier who would stand as a guardian for the Moon and the entire Galactic entity. As he descended through the cosmos, his feline instincts guided him towards the realm of humanity, where he knew he would find the potential candidate.

Touching down on Earth, Artemis began his quest, traversing cities and countryside alike in search of the one who possessed the courage, strength, and unwavering resolve necessary to defend against the encroaching darkness.

"Um, excuse me," Artemis began tentatively, "have any of you seen someone who might... uh, qualify as a warrior?"

The group exchanged incredulous glances, their eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of a talking cat. "Whoa, did that cat just talk?" one of them exclaimed, pointing in Artemis's direction.

Another person recoiled in shock. "I must be dreaming," they muttered, shaking their head in disbelief.

Artemis sighed inwardly, realizing the effect his appearance was having on the unsuspecting bystanders. "Yes, I can talk," he admitted, trying to reassure them. "But please, I am on a very important mission. Have you seen anyone who stands out as a potential warrior?"

The people in the park exchanged nervous glances, clearly unsettled by the talking cat before them. "This is too weird," one of them whispered, edging away slowly.

Undeterred, Artemis pressed on with his search, knowing that time was of the essence. He would not rest until he found the one destined to protect the Moon and all celestial realms, no matter how unsettling his appearance might be to the humans he encountered.

Artemis bounded through the streets with feline grace, his agile form leaping effortlessly from one rooftop to the next. With each bound, he drew closer to his destination, his thoughts consumed by concern for his beloved queen.

"My queen," he murmured under his breath, the words a silent prayer on his lips. "I hope you are safe and well, ruling over the Moon Kingdom with your usual grace and wisdom."

As he traversed the cityscape, Artemis couldn't shake the nagging worry that gnawed at his heart. The queen's absence weighed heavily on him, and he longed for the reassurance of her presence.

But even as he searched for the chosen warrior, Artemis remained steadfast in his duty, determined to fulfill the queen's wishes and safeguard the future of the Moon Kingdom and all its inhabitants. With each leap, he sent a silent message of hope and determination to the queen, trusting that she would remain strong in his absence.

Artemis paused, his sleek form reclining on the pavement as he pondered the challenges of his mission. "I had hoped this task would be simpler," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with frustration. "Luna managed to find Mamoru in just half a day on Earth. I suppose I'm not quite as astute as she is."

Just then, a young girl approached, her eyes lighting up with curiosity as she caught sight of Artemis. "A white cat?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "You must belong to some wealthy family. What are you doing out here all alone?"

Artemis regarded the girl with interest, sensing a kindness emanating from her. "Do you have an owner, little white cat?" she inquired, her smile warm and inviting. "Well, if not, I'd be happy to take you home with me."

With that, the girl turned and began to walk away, leaving Artemis to ponder her offer as he watched her disappear into the distance.

Artemis leaped onto the girl's head with a graceful bound, his tail swishing with anticipation as she spoke. "Oh, you want to come home with me?" she asked, her smile widening. "Well then, I'll make sure to get you some warm milk."

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