Chapter XXV

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Usagi awoke to find herself enveloped in an abyss of darkness, a warmth emanating from behind her as a whispered voice reached her ears, causing a blush to creep across her cheeks. "Princess," the voice murmured softly, stirring a sense of familiarity within her.

As she pondered the identity of her mysterious embrace, Usagi couldn't help but feel a strange sense of deja vu. "Someone I don't know is hugging me tight," she mused, "but I couldn't resist because I've felt this grasp somewhere... but where?"

"Princess, I'm sorry," the voice whispered again, its tone heavy with regret.

"Why?" Usagi questioned, confusion clouding her thoughts.

"Because I didn't fulfill my responsibility to you," came the remorseful reply. "I perished on the battlefield, leaving you to shoulder the burden."

"Shoulder... the burden? But I'm good for nothing," Usagi protested, her voice tinged with self-doubt.

Suddenly, three figures clad in sailor uniforms of red, blue, and green materialized before her, their faces being covered with masks yet their voices convey their remorses

"We failed you, Princess," the red-clad figure lamented.

"We're sorry for our weakness," the green-clad figure added, her voice trembling with remorse.

"My strategies were not perfect enough... I'm sorry," the blue-clad figure confessed, her eyes downcast in shame.

As another figure, adorned in a yellow sailor uniform, joined their midst, a sense of sorrow permeated the air.

"Princess," she began, her voice filled with sorrow, "I apologize for my sudden departures and for never returning alive."

Usagi's mind swirled with confusion as the mysterious figures continued to address her as "Princess," their words echoing in her ears like an enigmatic chant. "I don't... understand. Who are you people!?" she exclaimed, her frustration boiling over.

"Princess..." they repeated in unison, their voices laden with a sense of solemnity.


Usagi's frustration reached a breaking point, and she let out a primal yell, the sound reverberating in the stillness of her room.

Just then, the shrill sound of her alarm clock shattered the surreal moment, jolting Usagi from her perplexing encounter.

"Usagi!!!!" her mother's voice pierced through the haze of her thoughts. "Are you still not up?"

"I'm late again!!" Usagi cried out in dismay, the reality of her tardiness crashing down upon her.

With haste, Usagi threw on her clothes, her movements quick and frantic as she rushed to get ready. Without a moment to spare, she darted out of her room and down the stairs, her heart pounding with the urgency of her situation.

On her way, Usagi's heart sank as she witnessed a group of kids cruelly tying a black cat to the ground, their laughter ringing out in mockery of the helpless creature. "Hey!!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the air like a whip, as she flung her shoes at them, sending them scattering in fear. With swift determination, Usagi rushed to the cat's side, her hands deftly untying the knots and gently tending to its wounds.

"I can't believe some kids could be so nasty to helpless animals," she muttered, her eyes soft with compassion as she gazed upon the trembling feline.

The black cat stared back at her, its eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and gratitude. "Even if she's idiotic and irresponsible," it thought to itself, "she still has a heart of gold."

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