Chapter XI

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(Sailor V Adventures!)
As Sailor V and Artemis returned to the Moon Kingdom to deliver their report, Queen Serene greeted them with a composed demeanor, her curiosity evident in her poised expression.

"How has their quest progressed?" she inquired, her regal tone betraying a hint of anticipation.

"They have successfully located two potential candidates," Sailor V reported, her words delivered with a sense of duty.

"As expected, with Luna offering her guidance," the queen remarked, a knowing smile gracing her lips. "However, have there been any signs of encroaching darkness?"

"None to report, Your Majesty," Artemis replied, his voice steady and assured.

Serene's attention shifted as she heard the familiar voice of Minako approaching her, a smile of genuine warmth lighting up her face.

"Venus!" Serene exclaimed, her greeting filled with warmth and affection.

"Hello, Princess! It's been some time," Minako replied, returning the smile. "But I'm afraid duty calls me back to Earth once more."

"I understand," Serene responded, a hint of sadness coloring her tone. Though she would miss Minako's company, she recognized the importance of her friend's earthly obligations.

Artemis glanced over at Sailor V as they touched down on Earth once more, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "You seem to be getting quite accustomed to these sorts of missions, don't you think?" he commented, his tone light but observant.

Sailor V let out a small chuckle, the corners of her lips quirking up in a wry smile. "I suppose you could say that," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "After all the times we have shared together as tandem, it's starting to feel like second nature."

Artemis nodded in understanding, his feline ears twitching slightly as he absorbed her words. "It's true," he agreed, his gaze scanning their surroundings with a vigilant air. "But let's not get too comfortable. You never know when the next threat might arise."

Sailor V nodded in agreement, her senses alert as she surveyed the area. "You're right," she conceded, her tone serious now. "We must remain vigilant and prepared for whatever comes our way."

Sailor V and Artemis moved stealthily through the shadows, their senses alert for any signs of danger. Suddenly, Artemis paused, his fur bristling with apprehension.

"Is something wrong?" Sailor V asked, concern coloring her voice.

Artemis's expression darkened with dread as he spoke, his voice trembling with apprehension. "This energy... it's... Metalia!" he exclaimed, his tone laced with fear.

"Where is it heading?" Sailor V demanded, her eyes wide with urgency.

Artemis hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "In the nearby village," he began, but then abruptly stopped, a sense of foreboding washing over him.

"No!" Artemis corrected himself, his voice strained with worry. "We should report this to the queen. Metalia is too powerful for you to face alone."

Sailor V smiled gently, her eyes filled with determination.

"Artemis, you've always been a reliable partner to me," she said softly, her voice carrying a note of gratitude.

"Eh?" Artemis blinked in surprise, caught off guard by her words.

"The queen... she loves her creations, her kingdom, and her daughter above all else," Sailor V continued, her gaze unwavering. "And I must fulfill my duty to protect them, no matter the cost."

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