Chapter XXXIV

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As Makoto embarked on her fresh start in Juuban, Usagi and Ami were right there with her, ready to embrace the new chapter.

Usagi grinned, nudging Makoto gently. "Don't worry about what they used to call you. Here, you're just Makoto, our strong and dependable friend."

Ami nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We know who you are, and that's what matters."

Makoto smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude for her friends' unwavering support. "Thanks, guys. I'm ready to leave the past behind and make the most of this opportunity."

With their encouragement, Makoto felt a newfound sense of confidence as she stepped into her future, determined to carve out her own path in Juuban.

Makoto and Usagi entered the classroom to find all eyes fixed on Makoto, their stares filled with judgment and discrimination, making her uneasy.

"Don't mind them," Usagi whispered, trying to comfort her friend.

Makoto glanced downwards as Miss Haruna, their teacher, called her. "Miss Makoto Kino, right?" Miss Haruna said. "Please come forward and introduce yourself."

Makoto hesitated, feeling the weight of everyone's stares except for Usagi and Miss Haruna's.

"Class, refrain from staring at her," Miss Haruna addressed the students sternly. "Miss Kino, come forward."

With downcast eyes, Makoto stepped to the front as people continued to stare.

"I'm... M-Makoto Kino," she gulped, feeling immensely nervous. "I uh... love making crochet, doing botany and..." She then grabbed another bag with a lunchbox full of homemade chocolate chip cookies. "Made t-these for everyone."

"That's so sweet, Makoto!" Usagi exclaimed as she rushed forward to grab one, her eyes glistening. "YUMMY!"

Her classmates glanced at each other and came forward to try the cookies, their expressions mirroring Usagi's delight.

The classroom atmosphere shifted as laughter and chatter filled the room, breaking the initial tension and creating a moment of shared joy and connection among the students.

As the entire class enjoyed Makoto's cookies, she blushed and smiled modestly.

"Thank you for the delicious cookies!" her classmates exclaimed while munching on them. "These are the best cookies I've ever tasted!"

"Please return to your seats, class," Miss Haruna instructed.

"Now, I hope all of you will treat Miss Kino with kindness," she added. "Remember not to judge based on appearances or rumors."

The classroom atmosphere transformed into one of acceptance and understanding, with Makoto feeling grateful for the positive reception from her peers and teacher.

As Rei's life remains a tapestry woven with threads of mysticism and prejudice, a delicate balance between the ethereal realm of psychic powers and the earthly confines of being a shrine maiden. Despite the serenity of the shrine, Rei faced the harsh reality of discrimination due to her unique abilities.

"Hey, look, the psychic girl is here again," someone remarked, their tone laced with mockery and disdain.

"Why is she trying to blend in with us?" another voice sneered, their words dripping with scorn.

Tears welled up in Rei's eyes, a silent testament to the pain she bore from the unkind words and judgment that followed her like a shadow. The weight of their prejudice pressed down on her, threatening to crush her spirit.

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