Chapter XXIII

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(Sailor V : Her New Beginning)
October 23rd, 1978 NA

A nun was going about her duties when she stumbled upon a newborn infant abandoned at the doorstep of the convent. With a mix of sadness and concern, she gently scooped up the crying baby in her arms, marveling at the tiny bundle of life before her.

"Poor creature," the nun murmured, her heart aching for the helpless child left all alone. "Who in the world would leave a child here?"

The infant continued to cry, its tiny cries echoing through the quiet corridors of the convent. But the nun, undeterred by the tears, cradled the baby close, whispering soothing words of comfort in an attempt to calm the distressed child.

"Hush now, child," she cooed softly, her voice gentle and reassuring. "Sister is here. You are safe now."

The infant's tiny smile brought a glimmer of joy to the nun's heart, filling the room with warmth and light. "Such a beautiful child," she remarked, her voice filled with affection as she watched the baby play with her fingertips. "I believe you're a gift from heaven."

With a loving gaze, the nun made a decision. "I'll name you Minako," she declared, her tone filled with determination. "As you are filled with beauty and life, despite the hardship you've already endured."

At the sound of her new name, Minako laughed joyfully, her innocent laughter filling the room with pure delight.

"Ah, it seems you approve of your name, Minako," the nun observed with a smile. "Very well then, Minako. Together, we shall serve God and offer thanks for the blessings she has bestowed upon us." With that, she cradled Minako close to her heart and began to make her way back to the sanctuary, feeling grateful for the precious gift of new life that had come into their midst.

As Minako grew a little within the walls of the church, her adopted mother, the nun who found her as a newborn, provided her with everything she needed, both materially and spiritually.

"Here, Minako, I've made your favorite stew," her adopted mother would say, placing a bowl of warm food in front of her.

"Thank you, Mother," Minako would reply with a smile, grateful for the nourishment and the love that went into every meal.

In the quiet moments of the evening, as they sat together in prayer, Minako would often express her gratitude for all that she had been given.

"Mother, I feel so blessed to have you," she would say, her voice filled with sincerity. "You've given me everything I need to live a happy and fulfilling life."

Her adopted mother would smile warmly, her eyes shining with affection. "And you, my dear Minako, have brought so much joy and light into my life," she would reply. "You are a gift from God, and I am grateful for every moment we share together."

As Minako served alongside her adopted mother in the church, she found herself lost in thought, her mind drifting to a place that felt both familiar and mysterious. In her mind's eye, she could see a magnificent kingdom, with towering spires and lush gardens, where a benevolent Queen sat upon a majestic throne, her smile radiating warmth and kindness.

Caught in her reverie, Minako was brought back to the present by her adopted mother's gentle voice.

"Is there anything wrong, my child?" her mother inquired, concern etched in her features.

Minako shook her head, offering her mother a reassuring smile. "No, Mother, everything is fine," she replied, though her thoughts continued to linger on the vision that had captured her imagination.

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