Chapter VII

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Mamoru's hands moved with practiced ease as he continued to fish, his mind consumed with thoughts of Serene and their impending journey.

"Mamoru," Luna spoke softly from his shoulder, concern evident in her voice. "Shouldn't you be resting now? You've been at this for hours."

"Don't worry about me, Luna," Mamoru replied with a reassuring smile.  "Serene deserves the best care I can provide."

With a determined tug, he pulled up the net, revealing a bounty of fish shimmering in the moonlight. "The Queen has blessed us with the ocean and its abundance, and it's only right that we share its gifts."

Luna nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the gratitude she felt for their benevolent ruler.

As Mamoru cast his final net, his heart swelled with anticipation at the thought of Serene enjoying a hearty meal. "With this," he declared, hauling up the net filled with plump shrimp, "the Princess will feast like royalty once more."

As they made their way back, Luna's crescent moon mark on her forehead began to glow softly, catching Mamoru's attention.

"Luna, is everything alright?" Mamoru asked, his voice laced with concern.

Luna's ears perked up as she received a telepathic message from the Moon Queen. "My Queen, what is it?" she responded, her tone urgent.

"I need the three of you to come here immediately," the Queen's voice echoed in Luna's mind, her urgency palpable.

Mamoru's brow furrowed in concern as Luna relayed the message. "We must go at once," she declared, his determination evident as they hastened their pace towards their destination, ready to heed the Queen's summons.

Mamoru approached Serene, a bundle of freshly caught fish slung over his shoulder, his expression solemn yet determined.

"Princess," he called out, his voice carrying a sense of urgency. "We need to head back to the Moon Kingdom. The Queen has summoned us."

A delicate butterfly alighted gracefully on Serene's shoulder, its wings fluttering softly as if echoing her thoughts.

"So soon?" Serene replied, her gaze lingering on the serene seascape before her. "I was hoping to savor a bit more of the tranquility here, to immerse myself in the beauty of nature."

"I understand, Princess," Mamoru said gently, his eyes reflecting his understanding of Serene's desire to linger in the natural world. "But duty calls, and we must heed the Queen's summons."

"I promise to bring you back here another time," he continued, his tone reassuring. "But for now, we must return to fulfill our responsibilities."

Serene nodded reluctantly, a hint of disappointment flickering in her eyes. "Very well then," she acquiesced, rising gracefully to her feet. "Lead the way, Luna. Let us return to the Moon Kingdom as swiftly as we can."

As they walked, Mamoru couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at disrupting Serene's moment of tranquility. He glanced sideways at her, noting the wistful expression on her face.

"Princess," he began softly, "I know how much you cherish these moments in nature. I promise, once our duties are fulfilled, I'll ensure you have all the time you need to enjoy the beauty of the world."

Serene smiled gratefully at Mamoru's words, her heart warmed by his understanding and thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Mamoru. Your words bring me comfort."

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