Chapter XXI

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As the lifeless form of the queen reverted back to its original state, a faint glimmer of light amidst the darkness, she heard a contemptuous whisper pierce through the silence.

"Are you happy now, Queen?"

The words hung heavy in the air, dripping with disdain and mockery. They echoed through the chamber, a reminder of the queen's failures and the cost of her actions.

Within her, the once pure and innocent girl materialized in front of her, smiling as the queen silently cried

Luna's tears flowed freely as she mourned, "My queen, it's all over."

"We failed to safeguard the princess," Artemis confessed, his sorrow palpable. "Our own weaknesses haunted us."

Offering solace, the Queen acknowledged her culpability, "You've served faithfully, my trusted advisers. But it's my selfishness that's brought us here."

"Don't say that, My Queen," Luna pleaded, her voice choked with emotion.

Yet the Queen persisted in her self-condemnation, "It's the truth. I emerged from the void, seeking fulfillment through creation... yet found only emptiness."

In the profound depths of reflection, the Queen recognized the gravity of her mistakes, the weight of her loneliness that had driven her to desperate acts.

"I sought solace in creation," she confessed, her voice a whisper carried on the winds of remorse. "Yet in my pursuit of happiness, I sowed only sorrow."

Luna and Artemis stood as silent witnesses to the Queen's lament, their hearts heavy with the shared burden of regret.

"But in the end," the Queen murmured, her radiance dimming with the weight of her admission, "it was the purity of one small heart that illuminated the darkness within me."

With each word, the Queen's light softened, blending with the fading essence of Metalia, as if embracing her in a final gesture of remorse and redemption.

"Metalia," the Queen whispered, her voice a fragile echo in the somber chamber, "a soul once ablaze with kindness, stirred within me an unfamiliar emotion."

Luna and Artemis, their tears a testament to their shared sorrow, stood witness to the Queen's confession.

"A young girl, her innocence marred by my creation's cruelty," the Queen continued, her words heavy with the weight of regret.

As Metalia's essence dispersed, enveloping the Queen in a gentle glow, she contemplated the depth of her former companion's suffering.

"Her agony, her torment... I believed we bore it together," the Queen admitted, the luminescence of Metalia's remains intertwining with her own radiance. "Yet within her, lay a darkness born of unresolved pain, driving her to seek power and usurp my reign."

Surrounded by the ethereal remnants of Metalia, the Queen's voice quivered with sincerity, "Metalia... I beg your forgiveness."

In that moment of profound introspection, amidst the fading remnants of a lost soul, the Queen found herself enveloped in the tender embrace of remorse and reconciliation, her heart heavy with the weight of absolution sought and granted.

The remains of Metalia and the Queen intertwined, bathing the chamber in a radiant light that breathed life into the Sailor Guardians, only to gently lull them into a deep slumber.

As Artemis and Luna felt the weight of exhaustion overtaking them, they watched in awe as Metalia and the Queen, united in their shared destiny, smiled softly at them.

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