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The new routine begins with you waking up to Miss Kate opening the curtains. The warmth of the sun hitting against your skin while rubbing your eyes, "Breakfast in the dining room?" You asked as she nodded, "Yes Young Master." She leaves your room leaving you with your thoughts. Is this your new routine? Just like that? Does rags to riches actually happen? Getting out of bed you see a well fitted outfit, fixed with a suit and tie.

Not feeling too confident wearing this just yet. You open the drawer seeing a regular trench coat with brown and black colors, as well as the hard boiled leather shoes. Walking out of the room you immediately head downstairs joining Uncle Wayne. He looks over asking you, "Oh? Still not wanting to wear the new attire? Thats fine. Oh! I just realized!" Standing up and walks over to you, "I pushed that date to meet Earl Phantomhive tomorrow." Taking a bite out of your breakfast, made my Chef Troy, you can't help but think. Pushed back? Could give you some time to look for information... "I'm sure he won't mind." Saying that to your uncle he gives a shy smirk, as if conflicted, "Well it was kind of difficult to push it back, don't want to waste his time." How much pull does this guy have? "After all he's taking over his family business, personally someone his age shouldn't be that involved in his business." Tilting your head you can't but wonder just how young is he?

Wrapping up breakfast you head to the door, "Uh, I'm gonna take a look around the city if that's ok." Your uncle stands up and places a hand on your shoulder, "Please tread carefully, I myself will be leaving shortly, here take this." He hands you a key to the house, "You will have Miss Kate here and Chef Troy to prepare any desired meal. But please I don't want to lose you to." He doesn't need to know the details of what happened just yet. Nodding to reassure him, you head out the door leaving you to walk these unknown streets. You've managed to get a good enough read of the streets while looking for your uncle. This is just looking up what you know about this Phantomhive guy.

You spot a Funtom toy shop, "This should give me some insight on what he's selling." Entering the shop you spot family's buying toys for their kids. A mom and her kid checkout some spinning tops, a dad and his toddler son are looking at some stuffed bears. "Yes young lad? How may I help you?" The store clerk standing behind the counter interrupted your train of thought, "No I'm good...Well actually." Saying this you have an opportunity to extort some information, "You could tell something about this shop, I recently moved here and am looking something to take back to my kid brother." Lying to the man behind the counter, but even he can't help but be tricked by your words, "Oh yes! Anything for Mr.Waynes Ward." Hearing this you ask immediately, "How did you know?" The clerk answers, "Oh he always comes by the shop, he's told me his nephew came to live with him. But your eyes also have the same emerald glow to them. I didn't know he had another nephew as well." 

You scramble your mind to find a way to make this topic of discussion drop, "Well my brother was sent to another relative of ours. Unfortunate but it's how it plays out, but I'm wanting to send him something." Quickly turning this conversation around the clerk answers your original question, "Of course of course, Funtom offers much more than just toys. Such as dolls and stuffed bears, we have innovative board games. Currently we're working on something rather exciting for kids. Hopefully they'll be jolly." Jolly? Happiness? All these words related to that feel were lost to you. With that you have to keep up the lie, "Oh exciting!"

After some basic information exchanging you're on your way out the store with the clerk walking you out, "Well young man I apologize you didn't find anything interesting but please, come back anytime to look at our stock." Nodding at him and keeping eye contact, your hand just finesses a small stuffed bear having your body shield you from this petty theft. On your way out and now walking down the street you stare at the bear, 'People buy this stuff? Why? Theirs no point.' Looking up you overhear some shouting near an alley breaking off from the street. Quickly pacing you look down the street, "Cmon kid, this money can give us some leverage." Three guys looking around seventeen to eighteen have a kid on his back against the wall slumped over. This kids nose is bleeding, 'Finally! Something to do.' Setting the bear on a barrel near the alley you walk in, "Excuse me! This kid giving you guys trouble?" You walk until you're at least two feet away, "Why do you care?" One of the bullies say and another, "Yeah, beat it small shit." Waving your hands, "Oh no I was gonna help and see if you'll let me help."

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